2024 Election Questionnaire: Steve Firak for McHenry County Board, District 5

Steve Firak, candidate for McHenry County Board, District 5, 2024

McHenry County Board District 5 is in the eastern portion of McHenry County includes parts of McHenry, Prairie Grove, Cary, Lakemoor, Island Lake, Port Barrington, Holidays Hills and Oakwood Hills. Steve Firak is vying for the open McHenry County Board seat.

Name: Steve Firak

Office sought: McHenry County Board District 5

Political party: Democrat

Age: 41

Occupation and Employer: Ahoj Productions (sole proprietorship) and Legend Creative Group

What elected offices, if any, have you previously held? None

Campaign Website: citizensforsteve.com

Town where you live: McHenry

Education: Bachelors degree

Community Involvement:

I have volunteered time with the McHenry County Defenders, the VFW and multiple organizations that support veterans. See the Hall of Honor at the Woodstock Harley Davidson.

Marital Status/Immediate Family: Married to my beautiful wife. Two kids - 2 year old son and 7 year old daughter

In under 100 words, please share anything else about your professional or personal background that you want voters to know. Why are you running for office?

Having run a small business for almost 20 years, I feel the pressures of taxation but also see the rewards of a thriving community. As a father and husband, I want public safety and education to be at its finest. As a homeowner, my taxes should support our community’s interests and I want transparency throughout. I spent my late teens and early 20s with no money, so I see the importance of public programs that help hard-working families rise up to create opportunities for others. I then spent years building a business and creating relationships with businesses owners and executives.

What would you identify as the top three issues currently facing the county board and how would you address them?

Economic development/ob growth, land use and fiscal responsibility. McHenry County can be a place to attract new business and keep beautiful for our residents. How we use the taxes that the county board can control is essential to striking a balance between relieving tax burden, creating opportunities for everyone and attracting businesses.

Mental wellness is an important subject. We have passed mental health reform which is wonderful but it is a never-ending battle. I know personally how PTSD and depression can destroy from within. We need to keep focus on our communities mental well-being.

Why shouldn’t voters choose your opponent?

Don’t waste your vote for local governance on rhetoric and dogmatic ideologies. Focus on someone who wants to see the community thrive, no matter their belief system so our families, businesses and friends have a chance to raise us all up together.

Should the Metra, CTA and Pace boards be consolidated into one regional public transportation agency? Why or why not?

I’m all for public agencies helping our communities with transportation needs. And giving taxes to agencies that turn around and create well-paying and secure jobs is great. But certainly do not something created that can be switched to unchecked private shareholder interests within a few election cycles. Protections and planning must be there. Private companies can elevate taxpayers burden, but not at the sacrifice of the public good.

What are the county’s biggest infrastructure needs and what is your plan for funding them?

Road maintenance/expansion, public transportation and broadband expansion to name a few. We can pursue grant money from the federal and state level, partnerships between the public and private sector can secure funding without overburdening taxpayers and teaming up with local municipalities can help fund and move along infrastructure expansion/maintenance efforts.

How do you propose to regulate the use of solar farms in the county? Do you support the expansion of solar farms in unincorporated areas?

I support the expansion of solar farms in unincorporated areas as long as it’s done responsibly. Solar can help with the counties energy needs, provide new jobs and carbon emissions. It’s important to develop thoughtfully though, with transparency and using data-driven methodology. McHenry County has beautiful natural landscapes. Those natural areas are invaluable to our well-being.

The county board recently convened a working group on workforce housing whose report found a need for more workforce housing in the county. Do you support the expansion of sub-market workforce housing and should the county be involved in investing in such projects?

I do support the expansion of sub-market workforce housing, and the county should find ways to help invest. Submarket housing is important to middle income families. Teachers, healthcare professionals and others should have the chance to build their families. The county can help raise and allocate funding and consider zoning changes and create awareness.

Should the county board limit its votes to “germane” topics as was proposed recently? And should the board be in the business of passing resolutions or flying flags to recognize certain groups or movements?

The McHenry County board should focus most of their efforts towards average that have a direct impact on our county. If there are opportunities to work with other municipalities for the betterment of our community, then those topics should be considered.

Should the county allow marijuana dispensaries or cultivation centers to operate in unincorporated areas?

As long as there is transparency in the process and regulation to assure that the well-being of our community is flourishing, I have no problem with marijuana dispensaries or cultivation centers to operate in unincorporated areas.

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? I have never been convicted of a felony.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have an ownership stake receive a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding? Will you honor the results of the November election, including the presidential race?

I have never received a PPP loan nor sought it out. There are many businesses in the community that needed the funding more than my business did.

Will you honor the results of the November election, including the presidential race?

And I will absolutely honor the results of the November election. I understand that there is a very narrow margin between the two candidates and that election fraud by individual voters is, as of yet, an incredibly, incredibly minor occurrence.

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