Letter: I’m the ‘enemy from within’?

Letter to the Editor

Hi. My name is Mary, and I’m a Democrat. For clarity, I vote based on my values, and I have on occasion voted for a Republican, or written in a candidate.

I am your friend, your neighbor, your colleague. I come to funerals and take food to your home when a loved one dies. I drive slowly in your neighborhood, so I don’t hit your children or pets. I volunteer on not-for-profit boards of trustees. I donate to charities and food pantries. I pay taxes. I let you go ahead of me in line when you have a small cart of groceries.

So, my question then, is why is the head of the Republican Party saying that I am “the enemy from within,” that I am “dangerous,” “more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries.” When I heard this, I ran to the mirror expecting to see red horns growing from my head. There were none, thank goodness. Why does this man want you to hate me so much?

I honestly can’t wrap my head around it. I keep hearing people say that the Democratic Party is divisive, but I don’t understand. Donald J. Trump wants you to hate anyone who doesn’t see the world the same way as you do, or isn’t the same color, or religion, or they don’t fall into the gender binary, or was born somewhere else. He encourages violence. Why does he want you to hate me? I don’t hate you. This needs to stop.

Mary W. Hood


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