Letter: Don’t tax teachers’ pensions

Letter to the Editor

At a recent Illinois Retired Teacher forum, Rep. Steve Reick announced his plan to pay down the state’s pension debt. His solution is to tax pubic employees’ retirement income for 10 years – including the teachers’ pension!

Since 1917, our state leaders have wreaked havoc with the pension system by underfunding and sometimes not funding it at all. And now Reick wants teachers and seniors to pay for the incompetence of those responsible. Really?!

It’s time to replace him with someone who knows better.

Mary Mahady is an accomplished Realtor, currently serving her third term as McHenry Township assessor, first elected in 2013. Her expertise in real estate, especially the need for affordable housing and her understanding of real estate taxes, would be invaluable in Springfield.

Vote for Mary Mahady for Illinois state representative to remove the guy who wants to tax seniors’ retirement income.

Dorothea King


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