Letter: Trump not fit to be president

Letter to the Editor

Trump is not fit to be president.

Reasons as follows:

- Calls Democrats and people who don’t agree with him enemies within.

- Wants to be dictator on day one.

- Demonizes immigrants to cause fear.

- Lies continuously.

- Is a felon.

- He tried to overthrow the election.

- Watched the crowd on Jan. 6 while sitting in the dining room of the White House, and said “so what” when they told him Pence was in trouble.

- Says he would use our military against the enemy within (fellow citizens).

- Is not someone you would want to have your kids emulate.

- Was civilly liable of sexual abuse by his peers.

- Calls the press the enemy of the people.

- At least 60 generals, members of his own staff and his National Security advisors all say he is a danger to this country and our democracy.

- General Milley says he is a “fascist to the core,” according to Bob Woodward’s new book, “War”: the definition of facism: “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”

That definition of fascism is Trump to his core, just listen to what he says everyday!

Let’s vote for our democracy, decency, character and competency … Vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Gail Albers


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