Letter: Global society means letters should be allowed on all issues

Letter to the Editor

Dear editors,

Freedom of the press is essential for a healthy, independent, democratic, educated and informed society.

It seems that your paper has taken a road back to the 19th century, where the only concerns people had were their families and their neighbors.

We do not live in the past; our country never lived in the past. With over 36% of the companies on the U.S. stock exchange being owned by foreign nations, it is abundantly clear that we live in a global society.

What you are trying to do by printing letters to the editor that concern only local issues is two-fold: to prevent irritating political letters from causing people to stop their Northwest Herald subscriptions and to keep readers ignorant.

The same holds true for not publishing state, country and world news in more that paragraph snippets.

Please reflect on the purpose and mission of your paper. Thank you.


Donna Davis


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