Randy Funk
What office are you seeking?
Algonquin Township Supervisor
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Self-employed insurance broker, President of CL Union Cemetery, current Alg Supervisor
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Current Alg Township Supervisor, 2 time Past President of Crystal Lake Lions Club, current President of Lions of Crystal Lake Foundation, President of the Crystal Lake Union Cemetery Assoc.
Crystal Lake
Campaign Website:
Bach degree-Business Management NIU College of Business
Community Involvement:
I am a 30 year member of the Crystal Lake Lions Club. I am Chairman of the donation committee.
We provide financial help to folks in our community who are in need. Eye sight and hearing impaired individuals are a priority. We helped 115 folks this last year at a cost of $30,000. We also help local organizations-we just had our Annual Steak Fry Fundraiser(in which I am the Chairman of-for the last 25 years). We donated $10,000 to the CL Food pantry and also donated to Family Health Partnership, American Legion, Horizons For The Blind, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. We raised $9,000 for a family fighting cancer. I am the leader of this organization.
Marital status/Immediate family:
Single/divorced and one daughter who is a Registered Nurse at Northwestern Hospital.
What is your stance on township consolidation as a means of reducing redundancy in local government?
Do not agree with it. I can only speak for our township, but we provide general assistance(our number one priority) to our residents better than any organization does. We coordinate with non-profits to increase what financial aid is given. Our building is constantly being used by the community(at no charge) for a number of reasons. We offer recycling. The county does not want to manage our roads-it would increase their financial burden. We are very low on a tax bill on how much taxes we levy. Either at or next to the bottom. This is not to say that Townships can be more efficient-start by voting in qualified candidates.
What do you think about the censures against Algonquin Township Supervisor Randy Funk?
The censures were done by the 3 candidates who are running against my slate of candidates.
That says alot! They were done to make me look bad. They are far from the truth and very misleading.
The censures have no legal consequence. What is terrible here-the trustees voted to use the Township lawyer to write up-at a cost of $8,900! What should be asked is why have the Trustees spent $140,000 over the past term on lawyers-for no benefit to the Township at all. They hired their own personal lawyer-which is illegal. I refused to pay their $34,000 legal bill and it is in court(check the court docket).
It looks like we will prevail (their lawyer is paying delaying tactics-maybe hoping his client will win the election and vote to pay for their personal attorney). This has cost the Township $20,000 (and counting) to defend. We are seeking to get our fees recovered from their lawyer and the Trustees. My opponent has joined forces with these folks-probably explains he agrees with them. The Trustees have admitted in this current term to violating the Open Meetings Act and it sure looks like they are up to their old ways here.
Last term-the Township spent $2.2 million of taxpayer’s money on lawyer fees! This will stop with my slate getting elected.
Does the township have adequate funds for needed roadwork? If not,’what would you do to address that?
Not my issue-Road Commissioner
What are your top three priorities for the township, and how do you plan to address them?
Top priority is to Get Funk, Yelle, Colatorti, Brynes, Huff and Rinn-Alcock elected. These are common sense folks who know how to run a small business and are not in favor of raising taxes. Over the past 4 years-anyone who has viewed our meetings has seen what a circus the Trustees are about.
Second-restore the 50% cut the trustees have done to our general assistance account. This is outrageous!
The main purpose of the Township is to provide general assistance to those in need in our community. We can not operate effectively with this cut.
Third-provide more programs to our residents in the form of seminars and other services. Free paint recycling and continue to monitor the garbage contract-that brought less wear and tear to our roads, less pollution and SIGNIFICANT cost savings. Most people saved more than they pay in Township taxes!
How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?
We are not involved with this topic other than reducing garbage truck traffic that reduces emissions.
Economic development is for other governmental entities.
Our slate we do our best to reduce truck traffic into our township now that NVA Trucking is building a larger truck terminal. This will bring in greater emissions, more wear and tear, and most of all- a greater safety hazard.
What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?
Not the Supervisor’s responsibility.
What role should the township play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?
No direct role as this is not our purpose. Always can provide guidance when asked for.
What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?
The NVA Trucking expansion on Sands Road is a top concern. I have been working with the residents since the beginning. Although initially denied by the City of CL-they somehow managed to move forward.
This expansion will caused significant increased truck traffic. It will cause the roads increased wear and tear. More pollution for sure-in the back yard of longtime residents! Most of all-it is a big safety concern.
We do not need another Fox River Grove tragedy! I will work with the neighbors and hopefully with the NVA people to not allow traffic north of their entrance.
How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?
This is already done. We do not have any problems here. My office has always been open and transparent. When we meet with our General Assistance clients, the only discrimination is based on income. If you make too much, the law does not let us help you. Most cases like this are referred to our community partners such as Saint Vincent DePaul, Salvation Army and the Crystal Lake Lions Club.
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
Yes-the law already provides for this. We have to do disclosures every year.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
I have always been accessible to my constituents. Nobody has complained about this with my office.
847-639-2700 ext 7. If I am not there-then my staff provides to me their number. I meet with alot of constituents in my office or at their home/place of business. I have lived in Algonquin Township for 57 years and know alot of my constituents.
I wish the Northwest Herald would do a better job with our office in this regard. Not just around election time. Our website also helps people know what is going on with Algonquin Township.