Millie Medendorp
What office are you seeking?
Algonquin Township Clerk
What is your political party?
What is your current age?
Occupation and employer:
Current Algonquin Township Trustee and self-employed
What offices, if any, have you previously held?
Algonquin Township Trustee
Campaign Website:
Dundee-Crown High School
Community Involvement:
Candidate did not respond.
Marital status/Immediate family:
Married to my husband Brian for 30 years and have 2 amazing daughters.
What is your stance on township consolidation as a means of reducing redundancy in local government?
I do not believe that Townships should be consolidated. I believe that when townships are run properly, with the priority to serve it’s constituents, they are definitely a benefit to our community.
What do you think about the censures against Algonquin Township Supervisor Randy Funk?
I wish that these censures would not have had to happen, however, as part of the Board of Trustees I know that the Board attempted many times to try to resolve their conflict with the Supervisor prior to these censures. The Board chose the route of these censures in lieu of filing lawsuits against the Supervisor in hopes that once the Supervisor was censured the behavior would stop; but it didn’t. The Supervisor did not take them seriously and continued his poor governance practices by not being transparent and honest with the Board.
What are your top three priorities for the township, and how do you plan to address them?
As Clerk I will:
1: Ensure greater accuracy and transparency of all Township records
2: Make all public documents easily accessible to all constituents via the Township website
3: Make sure that the Clerk’s office works closely with but acts independent of the Supervisor’s office
Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?
Yes! All elected officials should make public any and all conflicts of interest (COI) by disclosing not only their COI but any and all COI their employers/contractors may have. This should easily be done with full transparency by the elected official, however, any concerns should be followed up by TOI, the County Clerk or Board of Trustees. We need to get Trust and Transparency back into the Algonquin Township.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
As Clerk, constituents can always reach out to my office via email or phone call with any questions/concerns; but also, if needed we can meet in person or at our monthly Township meetings.