Filming for Netflix series ‘Monster’ closes Woodstock-area intersection

The Illinois Department of Transportation announced Wednesday that lanes that have been closed for construction will reopen, where possible, but other closures will remain over the holiday weekend.

An intersection west of Woodstock is closed during weekdays for the next couple of weeks for filming for the Netflix series “Monster.”

The intersection of Hobe Road/Franklinville Road and South Street/Collins Road will be closed during weekdays for filming. The closure began Tuesday and will run through March 1.

Franklinville and Hobe roads are county roads, while South Street and Collins Road are owned by Seneca Township.

Those who need to use the intersection during weekends will be able to do so. Scott Hennings, the county’s assistant director for transportation, said the intersection will open Friday evenings after filming wraps and then close Monday morning when filming starts up again.

Messages were left for the Seneca Township Road District and Netflix on Wednesday.

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