2025 Election Questionnaire: Teresa Sharpe Decker, Algonquin Township Trustee

Teresa Sharpe Decker


Teresa Sharpe Decker

What office are you seeking?

Algonquin Township Trustee

What is your political party?


(The are NO Independent or Democrats candidates in the Township primary election February 25, or the General election April 1, 2025)

What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Township Trustee - Algonquin Township / Retired

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Currently: Algonquin Township Trustee,

Board of Director Township Officials of Illinois (TOI), Board of Director (TOI) Trustee Division


Algonquin resident for 37 years.

Campaign Website:

Facebook: “Algonquin Township Good Government”



Bachelor of Science in Communications, Master of Business Administration

Community Involvement: My participation in community involvement includes: Township Hosted Activities: Touch-A-Truck, Shredding & Recycling Events, Cary Days, Judge for the Miss McHenry County Pageant,Past: Chairman of the Board for Elgin Family Services, Recognized as Emerging Woman Leader by State Representative Martin McLaughlin and the House GOP Caucus

Marital status/Immediate family:

Married for 36 years to my husband Bill; 2 grown sons.


What is your stance on township consolidation as a means of reducing redundancy in local government?

This question was brought to the voters in 2020. A petition was circulated to bring forth a referendum to eliminate Algonquin Township. The petition did not to get enough valid signatures to get the question on the ballot. Therefore, it is not what the residents of the township wanted.

With that said, many people do not understand the necessary services that the township provides - from road maintenance, paving and snowplowing, to general assistance to residents in need, to senior programming. It is the duty of the elected Officials to bring forth the best value of the township. This includes operating efficiently, transparently and within an operating budget. Also, bringing forth programs and enhancements that the community find value added.

As a trustee, I am always looking at ways of benchmarking, streamlining and collaborating resources with the County or other municipalities to reduce redundancy, waste, and offer more services to the community.

What do you think about the censures against Algonquin Township Supervisor Randy Funk?

The nine censures against the Township Supervisor are extremely serious and were only pursued after repeated attempts to hold him accountable for his lack of transparency in his conduct. The censures include:

* Appointing a Township attorney without seeking or obtaining the advice or consent of the Township Board (as is required per statute)

* Using taxpayer funds to solicit unapproved services

* Not complying with resolution to reduce the Project Manager position to part-time with no benefits (Res 081723)

* Signing a contract ($155,632,.97) outside of his authority without Board knowledge or approval

* Inconsistent with transfer approved by the board - did not move monies as approved by the board-Res.2024-04-23

* Payment of 10/6/24 bills without Board approval

The Supervisor has directly violating applicable laws & acting in breach of his fiduciary duties to the residents of the Township and has resulted in excessive and unnecessary legal fees and costs on behalf of the Township and its taxpayers.

Many questions have been asked including those of ethics and legality of the Supervisor’s actions. Thus far, the Board of Trustees have chosen to censure the Supervisor; fix what documents, processes & procedures they can to comply with statues and not sue the Supervisor/Township to avoid legal costs for township residents.

Does the township have adequate funds for needed roadwork? If not,’what would you do to address that?

The Road District which serves the unincorporated public roads has an operating budget, and the highway commissioner should prioritize their projects, have a 4 year plan (length of the term), prepare for the unexpected & operate within their budget.

The Supervisor is paid as the “Treasurer” of the Highway Department/Road District. So, it is their responsibility to be another set of eyes on the Road District finances.

In addition, the Clerk is involved in all bidding for the Road District and the trustees provide a check and balance on a monthly basis. The current Highway Commissioner provides a monthly report on the projects and dealings of the Road District to the Trustees.

What are your top three priorities for the township, and how do you plan to address them?

* Restoring Transparency & Accountability - Transparency includes ease of viewing the information. This is the taxpayers money. They should very easily be able to see and understand how their money is being spent. A thorough audit of General Assistance should be commissioned, simply because there were no checks and balances for the majority of Supervisor Funk’s term.

* Ensuring fiscal responsibility - A thorough budget review of each line item for each levy should occur. What are the township’s top priorities; what’s the forecast for the next year/term? Where do we see cost cuts, cost increases? What services/programs/improvements would we like to see? Have a plan and work it though with a feasible budget.

* Enhancing community services - What services are important to our constituents? What needs to be removed, improved, offered? The township just submitted a Decennial report on the township. Evaluate the services discussed. Provide the best and most value added services requested by the community.

As an elected Board of Director to TOI (Township Officials of Illinois) I am constantly talking with various elected officials. This enables us to benchmark other townships to understand what opportunities are available. It also allows me to ask questions and educate myself on the Law & Statutes of Townships.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

During my four year term, I have never voted to increase township levies/taxes. (other than for new construction).

The Elected Officials should always approach the budget and levy with the taxpayers in mind. It is taxpayer funds that are being distributed. Therefore, there should be checks and balances over township finances, process/procedures, “space” general/emergency assistance and operations.

Finally, I would like to see all departments of the township work together to ensure no redundancy, more efficiency and better cost savings to present the best possible “product of services” to our constituents now and in the future.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

Currently, the Highway department offers bus service to our Seniors & General Assistance constituents within the Township boundary.

Many seniors have inquired about taking day trips with a bus service - this is a something that was offered in the past and should be looked at again, as long as there is sufficient interest, and minimal extra cost.

What role should the township play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

The township, as well as, the Highway department belong to several local Chambers of Commerce. This allows for networking of services within the community as well as sharing of our services.

The township/Supervisor should be cognitive of supporting local business throughout the Township. When the “best” services at the most economically prices are offered, the township should consider a contract within its boundaries.

But we should be very careful that no actual or perceived conflicts of interest exist - there have been several instances where a relative or friend is awarded a contract or comes in just under bid amount to circumvent the bidding process.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

Public & employee safety at the township are a top priority. During my term a fire alarm and camera system were updated and implemented to address safety issues for those within the Township’s main building. There are cameras surrounding the township property as well.

The Highway Department/Township property also collaborates by providing a patrol substation for the McHenry County Sheriff’s department. This enables the on-duty sheriffs patrol to have a location within the township for quicker accessibility in this corner of the county, and added safety for the township.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

The township is available for all Algonquin Township residents. This is not in question. But we do need to communicate the offerings of the township more widely, whether through an e-newsletter or through Facebook and social media. Several ways this can be accomplished is through Social Media. The Highway department currently has a Facebook page that shares, recycling & shredding events, brush pick up, inclement weather reports, etc. I would like to see the Supervisor’s office have a form of social media and a monthly e-newsletter to reach those constituents about our general assistance and emergency assistance programs, senior activities, assessor news, and up-to-date offerings by the township.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

YES, Elected Officials should disclose potential conflicts of interest. All Elected Officials & candidates have to complete a yearly Statement of Economic Interest form with the County Clerk.

Enforcing the issue? At this time, I have only seen it self enforced or questioned through the board.

There have been several meetings where I have abstained from approving bills due to a TOI relationship with a vendor, or abstained from bills that have included reimbursement to myself.

However, when the current board of Trustees asked to have the insurance program put out to bid, Supervisor Funk (who was the previous Algonquin Township insurance agent) denied our request. In addition, Mr. Funk works as an insurance agent/broker with NEIS. Many of the township vendors hold their insurance through NEIS. This too was questioned in a meeting. The constituents deserve for their elected officials to service with honestly, integrity and ethically.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Our office number (847-639-2700) & email (tdecker@algonquintownship.com) are on the Algonquin Township ( algonquintownship.com) website. Constituents are free to call, email or stop by the office (M-F 8-4). Township meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month, and we are always happy to see residents in attendance.

We welcome constituents’ comments, questions, & opinions- remember that we represent YOU. These are YOUR tax dollars that are being spent. The change I would like to see in the next term is to always have the office staffed during posted work hours. Right now, it is not. If a constituent comes to the office they should be able to be greeted and have their questions answered.

Lastly, I will leave the voters with this thought :”Every election is determined by the people who show up.”

Show up Tuesday February 25, 2025 and have your voice/vote heard!

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