Name: Kelly Sobusiak
What office are you seeking? Board of Education Member Marengo Community High School District #154
What is your political party?
What is your current age? 36
Occupation and employer: Purchasing at Dietz Supply Company
What offices, if any, have you previously held? None
City: I am originally from Derry, Pennsylvania and currently live in Marengo
Campaign Website:
Education: I graduated from Derry Area High School and attended some college at Westmoreland County Community College. I then joined the United States Navy as an Electronics Technician and attended multiple schools for my job.
Community Involvement: Growing up, I re-enacted the French and Indian War to help educate the public on local Pennsylvania history. Living in Washington while in the Navy, I volunteered at a food pantry. I have been a longtime member of the Derry Area Historical Society and I am currently a member of the McHenry County Historical Society. I have also volunteer yearly at Riley Elementary for their Halloween Trunk-or-Treat.
Marital status/Immediate family: I have been married to my husband, Michal, for 13 years and we have four children. Our oldest, Niki, is 21 and is currently attending McHenry County Community College. Our second oldest, Edainn, is 19 and has followed my footsteps and joined the United States Navy. He is currently stationed in Great Lakes. Our third oldest, Anna, is a Senior at Marengo High School and our youngest, Krzysztof, will be a Freshman next year.
How can the district improve reading and English proficiency and state test scores?
The district could improve the English proficiency and state test scores by putting more resources towards struggling students.
If you have children, do they or did they attend public school and was that for all of their K-12 school years?
Our children have all received their educations in public schools.
What do you see as the school district’s role in deciding what materials should be available in the library and in curricula?
The school district should ensure that students have access to materials and information from all perspectives, not just a select few.
Most of local residents' property taxes go to their school districts. Are taxes paid to your school district too high? What would you do to protect the interests of taxpayers?
I will be diligent in ensuring that tax payer money is used in a proper manner that is in the best interest of the community and students. I believe that taxpayers have a right to see what their money is going towards and I would like to get the community more involved so that they are invested in our children and their education.
Most of the COVID relief money from the federal government is coming to an end. What spending adjustments does your school district need to make to address that?
Once on the Board, I would work alongside fellow members to find an effective solution.
Should Title IX cover sexual orientation or gender identity? What are your views on the use of locker rooms and bathrooms by transgender students and their participating in sports?
Yes Title IX should cover sexual orientation and gender identity. No one should be discriminated against, period. Transgender kids are people, too. They should be allowed to participate in sports. High school sports are for health, fun, education, and bonding with fellow students. I personally have no issue with someone using the locker room they feel most comfortable in, but I would be more than happy to advocate for a gender neutral locker room to be available for whomever may need it.
What is your stance on ICE agents accessing school grounds, and what policies would you advocate for regarding their presence on school property?
ICE should never be allowed on school grounds. The duty of the school is to provide education to the community and that should not be disrupted by ICE in any capacity.
What are the top three issues that the school district is facing right now?
School safety, building repairs, and student engagement are all top priorities.
What is your position on allowing students to use cell phones during school hours?
Students should be allowed to use their phones before/after class. During lessons, they should not be.
Do you think cell phone policies should allow exceptions for emergencies or specific educational purposes? If so, how would these exceptions be defined?
There should be no question that cell phones should be used in case of emergency. As for specific educational purposes, that should be up to the individual teacher’s discretion.
What steps would you take to address concerns about cyberbullying and inappropriate content access through student cell phones?
I would encourage students to bring it to the attention of a trusted adult in both situations. There is no way to monitor everything, but if you foster open lines of communication, kids are more likely to ask for help.
Should students be able to use AI in schoolwork?
AI can be an excellent tool, but it shouldn’t replace thinking for yourself. I can see using AI to refine or sharpen your own words, but it shouldn’t interfere with the authenticity of the writing. It should be up to the teacher’s discretion dependent on the assignment itself, and the teacher’s knowledge of the capabilities of their students.
What is your plan for making district financial reports, including budgets and expenditures, publicly available and easy to understand?
I would like to see the budget be updated on their website and to be easily accessible. As for making it easier to understand, I would like to see a high level breakdown sent out to parents so that they can get an idea of where their taxes are being used.
How would you involve parents and community members in the decision-making process for curriculum or policy changes?
I would like to put live streaming of school board meetings into place so that community members can attend virtually.
What is your position on banning books in school libraries or classrooms, and how do you define the criteria for such decisions?
Books should not be banned. Banning books is an affront to the first amendment. Students should be encouraged to think for themselves. That is the entire point of education. Students can’t do that if they don’t have access to all sorts of information.
How would you balance maintaining appropriate class sizes with the current teacher staffing levels?
The current ratio is slightly below the state average, so I would do my best to maintain the status quo.
Do you believe the district is allocating enough resources toward hiring and supporting teachers, and if not, what changes would you make?
I would like to see more supportive funding for the teachers so that they can make a difference in the student’s lives and education.
How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?
I can be reached via my Facebook page,, or by email