2025 Election Questionnaire: Amanda Damisch, Marengo City Council, First Ward

Amanda Damisch


Amanda Damisch

What office are you seeking?

Marengo City Council Alderperson Ward 1

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

I lead a global training program for a large technology and social media company.

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

None. This is my first candidacy for a public office.



Campaign Website:



I hold undergraduate and graduate degrees from Creighton University.

Community Involvement:

I’m passionate about our local community library, our small business community and the Marengo Society for Historic Preservation.

Marital status/Immediate family:

I’m happily married to Nick Conro, my husband since September 2023.


Many of the new housing developments planned or recently built throughout the McHenry County area have been multi-family rather than single-family, and many are rentals rather than owner-occupied. What are your views on this trend? Do you support this type of development? Why or why not?

I think the shift towards multi-family developments and rentals in McHenry County is a reflection of the current market demand and the evolving needs of our community. As our area continues to grow and develop, it’s essential to provide a range of housing options to cater to various lifestyles and preferences. By supporting this type of development, we’re creating a more adaptable community where residents can find housing that suits their needs, whether that’s a single-family home, a condo, or a rental unit. This approach not only helps to address the current housing inventory challenges but also fosters a more vibrant and dynamic community with a wider range of choices for residents.

A recent study commissioned by the McHenry County Board found a need for more workforce housing in the county. Do you support any form of subsidized housing to address that need? Is there enough affordable housing in the community and, if not, how would you attempt to address that?

I think it was the right decision for the County Board to commission the study, but I’m not supportive of allocating funding for this type of housing. If this was a matter put before the Marengo City Council, I would vote against it. Marengo doesn’t have the funding to subsidize housing. Instead, I would advocate for policies that promote private sector development, such as zoning incentives and streamlined permitting processes, to encourage the creation of affordable housing options.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

I firmly believe that local law enforcement agencies should adhere to Illinois state law and guidelines regarding immigration enforcement. This approach ensures that our law enforcement resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to address public safety concerns. As stewards of taxpayer dollars, law enforcement agencies have a fiduciary duty to allocate resources wisely.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

I have identified three key priorities that will drive my decision-making and guide my actions if elected. These priorities are interconnected and will help us build a stronger community. If elected, I can be counted on to push for Investment in infrastructure while improving services, restore fiscally responsible principles to lower costs and bring common sense leadership with enhanced transparency.

*Investing in Infrastructure*: Our city’s roads, sidewalks, and public spaces are in disrepair. I believe it’s essential to invest in a comprehensive infrastructure plan that addresses these issues and ensures the long-term maintenance and improvement of our city’s assets. This will not only enhance the quality of life for our residents but also support local businesses and economic growth.

*Improving City Services*: We deserve better from our city services. I will work to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services like garbage pickup, water billing, and leaf collection. It’s unacceptable that we’ve lost services like leaf pickup, and I will prioritize restoring and enhancing these essential services.

*Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency*: Our city’s financial management has been a concern for too long. I will push for more transparent budgeting, regular audits, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility. This means making smart financial decisions, eliminating waste, and ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely.

These priorities are not mutually exclusive, and I believe that by addressing them collectively, we can create a brighter future. I am committed to working collaboratively with residents, businesses, and community organizations to ensure that Marengo is a place where everyone can thrive.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

I think that economic development and environmental sustainability are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary goals that can be achieved through thoughtful planning and responsible stewardship. As a member of the City Council, I intend to strike a balance between fostering economic growth and ensuring environmental sustainability.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

This isn’t a topic or an investment area for the city that I’m aware of. If this was raised I would take up the matter with the same level of diligence that I plan to bring to anything that is surfaced by Marengo residents.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

A very active one. The business community should be a much more engaged source of information and input to the City Administration and its governing members. Towns like Marengo get to thrive and grow at a scale that makes sense for the community only when done standing on the shoulders of small business owners and leaders who care about this balance. I think that there is an opportunity to improve the dynamic with our local businesses, which will require time and transparency. We need to earn their trust, and then maintain it. I’m committed to allocating the time and energy to do just that.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

1. *Strengthening Police-Community Partnership*: Ensuring our police department receives adequate funding and support is crucial. The historical gap in funding for the police pension was unacceptable and damaged trust. I will prioritize maintaining a strong partnership with our police department, valuing their input, and aligning city hall priorities with theirs.

2. *Improving Walkability and Safety*: The lack of city sidewalks poses a significant concern, affecting not only pedestrian safety but also the ability of parents to feel confident sending their children to school on foot, and limiting mobility for those without transportation. I propose investing in infrastructure to create a safer, more walkable community.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

The city government currently excludes many residents because it doesn’t effectively communicate with them. We need to start first by opening up the channels of communication with the voters who put the officials in these positions, and setting the expectation for our city administration that transparency in communications and decisions isn’t optional. If people don’t trust their elected officials to make decisions, and get their input, that erodes a community. Marengo deserves better.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

I do support this. Illinois politics has a long and storied history of the consequences that result from ignoring conflicts of interest. As a City Council Member in Marengo, I would not have a role to play in enforcement, but I agree with the need for guidelines and norms around these things to ensure that we can always maintain the trust of the voters who elect us.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Access is a major reason why I’m running. Our city administration, and even members of our Council need to improve the dynamic of communication, and accessibility for Marengo residents. I believe it’s essential to be accessible to my constituents, if elected. This means being open to communication, listening to concerns, and providing clear information about city policies and decisions. To ensure accessibility, I plan to:Regularly hold meetings and community forums to engage with Ward 1 residents. Maintain an open-door policy, allowing constituents to schedule meetings with me. Utilize digital channels, such as email and social media, to share information and gather feedback. Respond promptly to inquiries and concerns, providing clear and concise answers. By being accessible and transparent, I know I can build trust with my constituents and ensure that their voices are heard in city hall.

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