2025 Election Questionnaire: Richard McLaughlin, Mayor of Island Lake

Richard McLaughlin

Name: Richard McLaughlin

What office are you seeking? Mayor

What is your political party? Island Lake People’s Party

What is your current age? 66

Occupation and employer: Retired Veteran of the US Army Military Police Corp

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Village Trustee: 2019-2021

Mayor: 2021-Present

City: Island Lake

Campaign Website: www.IslandLakePeoplesParty.com

Education: Studied at Central Texas College

Community Involvement: I am a member of the Moose Lodge and the Island Lake Lions Club.

Marital status/Immediate family:Married with Children


Many of the new housing developments planned or recently built throughout the McHenry County area have been multi-family rather than single-family, and many are rentals rather than owner-occupied. What are your views on this trend? Do you support this type of development? Why or why not?

The country is facing a housing crisis due to not having enough units to meet current population demands. Like many communities around Illinois, Island Lake has experienced the challenges the shortage has created and we are working to bring more rooftops to the community. We must embrace a diversified housing strategy to address this crisis and ensure that the residents of the village have access to a variety of housing products.

A recent study commissioned by the McHenry County Board found a need for more workforce housing in the county. Do you support any form of subsidized housing to address that need? Is there enough affordable housing in the community and, if not, how would you attempt to address that?

Like so many municipalities around the state and country, Island Lake is experiencing a shortage of affordable housing options. The lack of these options are depriving residents of the opportunity to own a home and build equity. Consequently, many residents are forced into rental properties because there are no affordable alternatives. This type of housing dynamic is unhealthy for a municipality and deprives residents of housing opportunity to raise a family and remain in town. My administration has added over 87 new housing units and I will work to bring additional rooftops to the community that provide working people options to own a home.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

The priorities on which I’m focused during a second term as mayor are economic development, affordable housing options, and restoring the health of our lake. We have laid significant groundwork on the cultivation of our commercial corridor, and we will continue to build on that progress into the future by attracting more businesses and industry to the village. Additionally, the village will benefit from a greater diversification in its housing stock by adding more affordable rooftops and expanding its housing options. We must also look after the village’s largest natural resource and its namesake, Island Lake. Our lake needs restoration, and I will continue to work with local and regional stakeholders to secure the required funding.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Economic development and environmental sustainability do not have to be mutually exclusive. My administration has

-Attracted over 15 new businesses to Island Lake

-Successfully secured over $200k for parkland and shoreline restoration

-Reinvested gaming revenues into park and lake maintenance

-Added new playground equipment, updated basketball courts, and opened an 18-hole disc golf course

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

As mayor I have diligently focused on investments in our current infrastructure as well as our future infrastructural needs. Some of the projects we have completed and scheduled include:

-Replaced over 800 residential water meters

-Island Dr. Bridge is slated for replacement in 2027

-Completed a major remodel of the Island Lake Village Hall, optimizing unused space.

-Paved and curbed the streets in Newbury Village, Burnett Rd., and Eastway Dr.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

The village should play an active role in supporting local businesses and spurring economic growth. There are many opportunities for public-private partnerships that foster the growth of our commercial and industrial sectors. Our economic growth policies have allowed us to eliminate the village’s vehicle stickers, providing residents financial relief.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

A vibrant community has a strong focus on public safety and we have secured $60k in grant funding for officer wellness, equipment, and safety programs. We have invested in our public safety infrastructure by adding body-worn police cameras, new police vehicles, and implemented a modern dispatch and records systems. The residents of our village have been able to engage directly with our law enforcement personnel through our Adopt-A-Cop, National Night Out, and Cop on a Rooftop programs.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

Island Lake is an incredibility inclusive town with residents from all walks of life. We have worked to make sure all our residents have a seat at the table and feel included in village activities. My administration has fostered our traditional village events as well as added new ones. Some of the community gatherings include:

-Lakefest: We expanded this to three days of rides, live music, and fun.

-Oktoberfest: We hosted the village’s 5th annual Oktoberfest in conjunction with our 3rd annual Dachsund Derby.

-Cardboard Sled Race: We celebrated the 2nd annual sled event at Converse Park Hill.

-Senior Center Dinners: We hosted our 2nd annual Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners at our local senior centers.

-Carp Fest: This year we hosted the 3rd annual event with a new Kids Fishing Derby

-Villages 75th Anniversary: Our anniversary events will include a parade, picnic, and live music.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Public disclosure by our elected officials is good policy and the key to transparent government. All board members are required to file a public Statement of Economic Interest, which outlines potential conflicts of interest. I think these reporting requirements are critical to ensuring that government is working for the people and not an elected official.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

Since being elected Village Trustee and consequently Village Mayor, I have strived to make myself accessible to all residents. A village is strongest when residents participate in their government and are welcomed into the decision-making process. The residents of Island Lake know I am only a phone call away and always willing to listen.

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