McHenry ShamROCKS fest suspends beer tent, live music Friday amid high winds; Woodstock bans outdoor burns

A ‘controlled’ burn got out of control in Woodstock Thursday

Nearly 10 acres were burned in a brush fire near Woodstock Thursday, March 13, 2025.

High winds and dry, warm conditions have elevated the risks of brush fires, prompting the National Weather Service in Chicago to issue a red flag wind warning for the region through midnight Friday.

The forecasted sustained high winds and possible severe weather Friday night into Saturday prompted McHenry and ShamROCKS the Fox to suspend the beer tent and live music planned at Miller Point Park Friday evening. Miller Point Park will remain open, with the beer garden and food vendors - but without the tent and with recorded music only, according to an alert from the city.

All other activities during McHenry’s annual St. Patrick’s Day festival are expected to continue as planned, city officials said.

The high winds also led the Woodstock Fire/Rescue District to announce that “all outdoor burning, including by professional crews, is strictly prohibited in Woodstock.” The post warned that violations could result in fines and encouraged anyone who sees any outside fire to call 911.

“Fires will spread rapidly and pose a serious threat to property and safety,” the district wrote.

Under normal circumstances, most outdoor burning is banned in Woodstock, with limited exceptions for prairie restoration and some “recreational” fires, according to the city’s website.

The warning came after what was supposed to be a controlled burn in Woodstock Thursday got out of control, burning about 10 acres and coming within 50 feet of homes, the district said.

“Wind gusts up to 50 mph combined with these conditions can lead to extreme fire behavior, allowing fires to spread uncontrollably in seconds,” the fire district said in a Facebook post.

The elevated brush fire danger was expected to continue into Saturday with a high wind watch in effect.

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