Letter: Mike Lesperance did not disappoint

Letter to the Editor

How often do you think about your highway commissioner? If the roads in your area are well maintained, safe, and free of the sometimes unbearable elements of Mother Nature, you really don’t give the road district a second thought, until there is a problem.

I have lived in an old subdivision in Nunda Township for half a century, with a private dusty gravel road and many drainage issues. Our road was dedicated years ago and finally paved. A welcoming step in the right direction, but still lacked proper drainage. Water was always an issue. Last year, we were getting a makeover. However, because my lot received a lot of the subdivisions water flow, I needed some additional help. I called Nunda Township hoping to meet our road commissioner, Mike Lesperance. Not only did he make time in his busy schedule to meet with me that day, but he genuinely cared about the drainage problems that I have endured. We discussed a bit of the subdivision’s history and where the problem spots are. He was hopeful that he could help and promised to do his best.

Mike and his crews did not disappoint at all. Not only did they bend over backwards to be accommodating to all the residents, but they truly cared. Our roads were improved, with all new ditches, culverts and some redirecting of the water flow. The years of a soggy, wet saturated driveway is over. Thank you, Mike, for your hard work and dedication! Vote for Mike Lesperance on April 1!!

Kelly Rossmann Braun


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