Letter: Baehne is ‘very transparent’ about beliefs

Letter to the Editor

Having served on the McHenry City Council for 16 years, I am familiar with how important integrity and full disclosure is to one’s character. I also need to state that I do not know Bobbi Baehne’s opponent. But I read his comments in the Northwest Herald and was shocked at his misleading wording. He stated, “I am involved with executive boards for both the McHenry Township and McHenry County.” There is an inherent assumption that he is implying he is an elected official of those governments. He is in fact a part of the Republican Party but not an official member of any governmental township or county position.

On the contrary, Bobbi Baehne is very transparent about what she believes and has/is/will do for the City of McHenry and Ward 1. Bobbi served the community in numerous charitable organizations and had deep roots in McHenry. I encourage you to elect someone whose character is proven.

Geri A. Condon


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