Letter: Support our reelection in Cary District 26

Letter to the Editor

I would greatly appreciate your vote for myself, Julie Jette, and fellow running mate Stacey Sault in the District 26 school board election. We are seeking reelection to continue our work for the children of District 26 and future students of District 26. Our district passes a balanced budget each year and with careful budget planning, we have maintained healthy cash reserves. I am proud that our district has a strong financial position. I am also proud that District 26 has a well-developed plan to raise current language arts and math scores as well as a plan to reach all students who need remedial or accelerated learning. It is an honor to work for the taxpayers and children of Cary 26. We have a strong school system. Julie Jette and Stacey Sault would appreciate your vote.

Julie Jette


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