My name is Mark Majercik, and I am running for the Johnsburg District 12 school board.
I am a lifelong conservative resident of Johnsburg, graduate of JHS (’85) and proud father of three wonderful daughters. My eldest daughter and JHS grad is finishing her college degree this spring (biology teacher) and our twins are excelling academically and athletically as juniors at JHS.
My quality Johnsburg education prepared me well for college where I went on to earn three degrees from the University of Illinois. Most of my college peers came from much larger and better funded school districts, but I always felt that I was just as well prepared as any of them and I would like to do my part to help continue/enhance this fine tradition.
I am a strong believer in community service and am a former president of the Johnsburg Community Club Inc., member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and current owner of two businesses based in Johnsburg. I have coached my daughters in summer softball for the past 17 years and have been a volunteer softball coach the past two years at JHS.
I have been very impressed over the years by the sound fiscal management of the current board, including the incredible exterior sports complex recently completed WITHOUT raising our taxes.
Please vote for me along with incumbents, Barrett, Neiss and Oeffling so that we can continue the fine education and conservative fiscal leadership at Johnsburg schools.
Mark Majercik