We are in that time of the year when various religious groups enter a period of introspection and self-examination. Different beliefs have various names for this time. In the Christian tradition, it is called Lent. People commit to tasks that are beneficial to them and their fellow man to demonstrate their sincerity and commitment to their beliefs. I would like to suggest something for your consideration that, while difficult, can take you to a place of take of less stress and more calmness and satisfaction.
I must clearly warn you this will be difficult, but well worth it. I am asking you to break a habit. Habits slip into routine which aid us navigate through the day’s activities smoothly and effectively with little thought or distraction. Disruption can cause an upheaval in getting through the day.
What is this habit? I stopped watching TV news (I use the term loosely). I started slowly with one day a week. It felt good! I increased the number of days. It felt better. I began speaking to family and friends. I then extended this idea to other TV shows especially late-night shows. Today such shows reek of unrelenting political hatred, ridicule, lies and degrading attempts of humor at another’s expense. Try watching old shows with Carson or Leno. Entertaining? You bet! Do yourself a favor and give this shot. I sincerely you will be happier. Peace.
Daniel Malecki