Election | Northwest Herald

2024 Election Questionnaire: Brad Schneider for U.S. House 10th District representative

As submitted to the Daily Herald:

Party: Democrat

Office Sought: U.S. House 10th District

City: Highland Park

Age: 63

Occupation: Member of Congress

Previous offices held: U.S. Representative for IL-10

Brad Schneider is running for reelection as a Democrat for the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Illinois' 10th District.

What must be done to achieve a consistent national policy on immigration, not just in terms of what such a policy should be but also in terms of getting a policy through the Senate?

Our immigration system has needed comprehensive reform for years — including enhanced border security, modernized immigration laws and expanded capabilities to apply and enforce the laws.

In my first term, I helped introduce a bipartisan bill that passed the Senate 68-32 but was blocked in the House by then Speaker John Boehner. Earlier this year, Senators Lankford, Murphy and Sinema introduced bipartisan legislation that would have made significant strides in addressing our immigration challenges. Sadly, at the urging of Donald Trump, Senate Republicans killed the bill before it even made it to the floor for debate.

We need to end the political jockeying and focus on our national needs. I believe the best way forward next year is to swiftly pass the Lankford border bill and send it to the president’s desk. Vice President Harris has said she would sign that bill into law. This compromise border bill is legislation negotiated by both Democrats and Republicans. It is tough but fair.

Do you believe the nation’s election system and those of the individual states are secure and fair? If not, what must be done to improve them?

Our election system is the bedrock of our republic. Every citizen should be able to confidently cast their vote and know that it will be counted and that the full tally of votes reflects the will of voters. Our enemies are working to undermine confidence in our elections. Sadly, they are being aided and abetted by many who see personal or political gain by growing those seeds of doubt, including Donald Trump.

The former President continues to spread the “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. After more than 60 lawsuits, numerous recounts and extensive investigations, it’s clear that the 2020 election was secure and fair.

That said, we need to be investing in protecting the integrity of our elections from threats, both domestic and foreign. That’s why I was proud to help introduce the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, as well as other bills to protect the integrity of our elections. I will continue to work for smart, effective measures to protect our democracy.

What responsibilities does the United States have toward achieving peace in the Middle East? Do you support a two-state solution?

Since my youth, I have worked to advance peace in the Middle East. I believe the best path to peace requires a secure, democratic and Jewish Israel, living side-by-side its Arab neighbors, including a demilitarized, democratic Palestinian state. The U.S. is central to achieving that.

We have a long record to stand on. We were the first to recognize Israel in 1948. We brokered the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979 and were central again when Israel and Jordan signed a treaty in 1994. We helped establish the Abraham Accords in 2020. We were tantalizingly close last year to celebrating normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia (a fact that contributed to the timing of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack).

This past year we have ensured Israel is able to defend itself against Hamas, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian backed militias in Syria and Iraq, Houthis in Yemen and central to it all, the Iranian regime hell bent on sowing chaos and destroying not only Israel but the U.S.

Do you think the United States is providing adequate support for Ukraine? Should the U.S. support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO?

I believe if not for the U.S. and the leadership of President Biden in building the international coalition supporting Ukraine in its fight for independence and survival, Russia’s illegal invasion would have likely succeeded. I also believe we can and must do more to ensure that not only does Vladimir Putin fail, but that Ukraine succeeds beyond the war.

We must remain committed to seeing this war through until the people of Ukraine prevail. Continued military aid, intelligence sharing, and economic support are crucial to defeating Russia’s brutal invasion. I believe Ukraine should be offered a path to EU and NATO membership that ensures effective reforms. An alliance that includes Ukraine would be a powerful deterrent to future Russian aggression and would further integrate Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community.

How do you perceive the financial health of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? To the degree you may see problems with these programs, what should be done about them?

A strong labor market under the Biden-Harris Administration has modestly improved the financial health of these programs, but they still face looming shortfalls.

Just as Congress did 40 years ago, we need to work together to ensure we keep the promise of Social Security and Medicare for generations to come. Since I came to Congress, I’ve made protecting and shoring up Social Security and Medicare a priority, particularly as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

I will continue to oppose ongoing efforts by Republicans to gut or privatize these social safety nets. To improve the financial outlook, I believe we must strengthen our tax code, both by making it more fair and enforcing it to make sure everyone pays their fair share. We must also look at the healthcare system holistically and find ways to bend down the cost curve of care overall.

How do you assess the state of the national economy? What should be done to make it stronger or more stable?

I’m proud to have supported an agenda led by the Biden-Harris Administration and House and Senate Democrats that enabled the US economy to navigate the pandemic and again emerge as the strongest economy in the world.

Legislation including the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Act, the bipartisan Chips and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act have resulted in a robust recovery and nearly 4 years of continuous job growth, expansion of American manufacturing, and investment in our infrastructure and the technologies of the future. Our economy is stronger because of this agenda that invested in middle America.

While there is much to celebrate, we also must address the basic fact that prices are still high and many are struggling to get by. I support advancing policies that help grow the middle class, like bringing down the cost of childcare, making housing more affordable and helping entrepreneurs and small business owners start and grow their businesses.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective congressional representative in dealing with the issues the country will face in the next two years?

I’m proud to be a leader on many issues in Congress, including tax reform policies promoting growth, expanding the child tax credit and lifting the SALT cap.

I’m proud of my work protecting American innovation, addressing gun violence and advancing U.S. leadership abroad.

I helped pass the Safer Communities Act, the first real gun reform in 30 years. After the Highland Park shooting, I helped lead the effort to pass an assault weapons ban. I worked to lower the cost of health care by passing the Inflation Reduction Act, capping the cost of Insulin at $35/month for seniors.

I’ve championed reproductive rights, protecting access to health care including abortion for all women, without interference from the federal government.

I am a leading voice for strengthening our friendship with Israel, especially as it fights to defeat Hamas and rescue hostages in Gaza.

In Congress, I’ll continue to advance policies to build our middle class, grow innovation and jobs and protect our interests abroad.