Election | Northwest Herald

2024 Election Questionnaire: Jim Carris for U.S. House 10th District representative

As submitted to the Daily Herald:

Party: Republican

Office Sought: U.S. House 10th District

City: Lake Forest

Age: 62

Occupation: Managing principal

Previous offices held: None; I am a political outsider and business leader

Jim Carris is running as a Republican for the U.S. House of Representatives, seeking to represent Illinois' 10th District.

What must be done to achieve a consistent national policy on immigration, not just in terms of what such a policy should be but also in terms of getting a policy through the Senate?

We need comprehensive immigration reform immediately. As the son of an immigrant who came to America in search of opportunity, I understand firsthand the importance and life-changing nature of legal immigration.

America is the land of opportunity and hope, and we must secure our borders and streamline our legal immigration system to create sustainable, lawful pathways for those who wish to pursue the American dream.

I will work across the aisle to advance common-sense policy solutions, grounded in our shared value of compassion, that focus on closing the border, reforming the broken pathways to citizenship, cracking down on human trafficking, and stopping the flow of drugs, including fentanyl, into our communities.

Do you believe the nation’s election system and those of the individual states are secure and fair? If not, what must be done to improve them?

We must restore trust in the core democratic process that defines our country.

Too many people have lost faith in our electoral process, leading to divisiveness and ugliness. We need to ensure that elections continue to be secure and fair across the nation.

Transparency is key to maintaining public trust, and I will work to ensure that every vote is counted accurately and fairly, safeguarding the integrity of our elections.

What responsibilities does the United States have toward achieving peace in the Middle East? Do you support a two-state solution?

As a strong supporter of Israel, I believe the U.S. must continue its unwavering support for our key ally in the Middle East.

My pro-Israel stance is shaped by my understanding of the ongoing threats Israel faces from terrorist organizations like Hamas and by my personal experience as someone who has experienced the terror of being held hostage by an offshoot of the PLO as a young boy.

I’ve seen the fear in my mother’s eyes at the hands of terrorists, and I know we cannot give brutal terrorists an inch. We must stand with Israel now in demanding the return of the hostages still being held by Hamas.

The United States must continue to demonstrate leadership on the world stage with intentional, unwavering support of those fighting for human rights. We need leadership in Congress with moral courage, not the waffling and political posturing we are receiving now.

Do you think the United States is providing adequate support for Ukraine? Should the U.S. support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO?

The U.S. should continue to support Ukraine in defending its sovereignty against Russian aggression. I believe we must provide military and humanitarian aid while ensuring greater accountability measures. Our support should be unwavering but measured, ensuring stability in the region.

How do you perceive the financial health of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? To the degree you may see problems with these programs, what should be done about them?

Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are vital programs for millions of Americans, and they are facing financial challenges. As someone who has seen firsthand the importance of these safety nets, I support reforms to ensure the stability of these programs for generations to come.

America has deep financial problems, and Washington, D.C., is paralyzed with partisan gridlock. My opponent has been there for a decade, contributing to the partisan rancor while our problems worsen and local families suffer. I am offering a solution-oriented independent approach to these problems, not more of the same failed status quo.

How do you assess the state of the national economy? What should be done to make it stronger or more stable?

Local families are suffering under the highest inflation in a generation and need immediate relief. The economy is my top priority, and I am focused on lowering the cost of living and bringing sustainable careers to the 10th District. Our constituents deserve the financial security that comes with a stable job, owning a home, and being able to provide for their families.

I will fight to reduce inflation-driving government spending, expand/extend the 2017 tax cuts that are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, and ensure the 10th District is once again the great prosperity engine that it was.

I also believe that creating a more pro-business environment will foster job growth and provide economic stability for the middle class.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective congressional representative in dealing with the issues the country will face in the next two years?

I’ve spent my career creating jobs, balancing budgets, and advocating for my community. These experiences have shaped my commitment to public safety, national security, and economic growth, and I’m ready to provide independent, common-sense leadership that delivers real results for the people of our district.

I’m not a politician — I’m a business leader and a decades-long resident of Lake County. I’m running for Congress to serve your family and change the direction of this country, focusing on passing real solutions based on logic, compassion, and common sense.

We’ve tried the Brad Schneider experiment for a decade, and the results are ineffective leadership, absentee representation, and results that have hurt our families.

In Congress, I’ll use my real-world experience to deliver results for the people of the 10th District, focusing on great careers, public safety, and national security.