McHenry County College recognizes 561 graduates across 73 programs

McHenry County College faculty and staff applaud the new graduates after the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

McHenry County College recognized 561 graduates at its spring commencement ceremony this past Saturday.

Of this group of graduates, 174 earned honors or high honors with a GPA of 3.50 or greater, according to the news release. The students represented 73 different programs.

“These students worked incredibly hard and should be extremely proud of everything they’ve accomplished, especially given the unique circumstances they’ve had to navigate over the past few years,” McHenry County College President Clint Gabbard said in a statement.

Students file in for McHenry County College's spring commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

The ceremony included an academic procession of graduates, remarks from Gabbard, a student presentation by Edith Sanchez, an alumni presentation by Laurie Retzlaff, an overview of honors designations, and presentation of degrees and certificates.

Before the commencement ceremony, 23 nursing graduates were also recognized at a pinning ceremony where they were symbolically welcomed into the profession by nurse faculty. The newly graduated nurses soon will be taking their exam for licensure, NCLEX-RN, and then go on to work as registered nurses.

A new nursing graduate is recognized as part of the nursing pinning ceremony, held prior to the college's commencement ceremony, on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at McHenry County College.

“Many of our graduates already have jobs secured here in the community,” said Betsy Schnowske, director of MCC’s nursing program. “This group has demonstrated great resilience as they began their nursing education in a pandemic and endured the many challenges that came along with it.”

In the week leading up to the commencement ceremony, all soon-to-be McHenry County College graduates were encouraged to participate in a variety of activities including e-portfolio assistance, Alumni Association signups and fun photo sessions.

McHenry County College President Clint Gabbard welcomes students to the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 14, 2022, in the college's gymnasium.

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