Huntley trustees mostly in favor of roundabout at Kreutzer, Dundee-Huntley intersection

Intersection has seen almosst 50 crashes in past 10 years

The intersection of Kreutzer and Dundee-Huntley roads has seen nearly 50 traffic crashes dating back to 2012.

The intersection of Kreutzer and Dundee-Huntley roads in Huntley could have a roundabout built after officials voiced safety concerns with the area, but a couple remain against the idea.

Trustees discussed the idea at their Thursday board meeting, opting to move forward with looking into such a project. Before any project can be approved, studies and bidding proposals will need to be gathered.

“Us to spend this money on a roundabout, I hate to do it, but it needs to be done,” Trustee JR Westberg said at the meeting.

Four of the six board members, along with Mayor Timothy Hoeft, said they’d like to move forward with the idea. Trustees Harry Leopold and Ronda Goldman said they’d rather take a different approach to fixing the issue.

Part of the intersection in question has been under the village’s control since 2005, Village Administrator David Johnson said at the meeting. The remaining parts are under the control of the village of Gilberts and Kane County.

The intersection sits east of Huntley, and has Dundee-Huntley road at a 45-degree angle. Kreutzer Road, running east and west, intersects with it. In the past decade, dating back to 2012, the intersection has seen almost 50 crashes, including one fatality and five with incapacitating injuries, according to village material.

“Certainly everybody understands the challenges and there’s been unfortunately multiple incidences at that intersection,” Johnson said.

Resident John Piwko said he doesn’t think roundabouts work. He said he’s seen crashes almost happen when going through them, as well as people using them improperly.

“As you discuss this, keep in mind there are safety risks,” he said.

Along with the roundabout, another option being considered is to widen the pavement and create a left-turn lane for deceleration from Dundee-Huntley Road onto Kreutzer Road, according to village material. This improvement is estimated to cost about $500,000, according to village material.

The roundabout is seen as a more “permanent” solution, according to village material. But to happen, the plan would require intergovernmental agreements with Kane County and the village of Gilberts.

Trustees Westberg and Mary Holzkopf said they think a roundabout is needed in the area. Trustee Niko Kanakaris and Curt Kittel said they supported moving forward with the idea.

“This intersection is in my opinion what roundabouts are for,” Holzkopf said. “It’s a very dangerous turn. This is the perfect example of a spot that a roundabout would be beneficial in.”

Leopold said he didn’t think a roundabout was necessary for the spot, saying he felt it could be solved by having Kreutzer intersect with Dundee-Huntley at a 90-degree angle, rather than the slight curve it currently has at the intersection. That could then be paired with traffic signals and stop signs. Goldman agreed.

”I question that big of an expenditure for a problem that I believe can be solved [another way],” Leopold said.

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