1. The Johnsburg Community Club’s Saufen und Spiel Parade and a weekend of events is back for its 51st year.
The phrase means “drink and play” in German and the events are designed to allow everyone to do both at the club’s Fest Grounds, 2315 Church St.
Events kick off at 5 p.m. Friday the black light bean bag tournament. Up to 48 two-person teams may register in the double-elimination bags tournament. Sponsored by the Johnsburg Community Men’s Club, there is a $15 per-person registration fee.
Saturday starts with Banjo Beer Night, sponsored by the Johnsburg Lions Club. Three bands are set to play starting at 5 p.m. Food and beverages will be on sale on the festival grounds.
On Sunday, the parade steps off at noon from the Johnsburg Village Hall, 1515 Channel Beach Ave., east on Lakeview Street then south on Riverview Drive to Channel Beach Avenue, ending at the Fest Grounds. Bands will begin at about 1:30 p.m. with food and drink available for sale. For children, there are a variety of inflatable features – wristbands for those are $10 each.
At 4 p.m., the bovines will be loosed for the annual Cow Drop. Entrants purchase a $10 ticket and receive a random square number. Cows are herded onto a field with drawn-out squares. The owners of the first three squares where a cow drops its manure receive a cash prize.
Entry to the grounds is free each day. The money raised throughout the weekend goes to youth programs in the community.
For information, go to johnsburgcommunityclub.com.
2. Fall is here with Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove set to open its James Bond-inspired corn maze Saturday and Stade’s Farm and Market in McHenry will host its annual Arts and Crafts on the Farm event this weekend.
The maze at Richardson Adventure Farm uses the portraits of five stars who played the iconic spy – Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig – to make its 10.3 miles of trails.
Along with its maze, Richardson Adventure Farm offers a 50-foot observation tower, train rides, a carousel, picnic areas, wagon rides, a zipline, 150- and 100-foot slides, a petting zoo, pumpkin patch and pedal kart tracks.
Located at 909 English Prairie Road in Spring Grove, the farm will be open Thursdays through Sundays until Oct. 30.
The cost to enter is $18 for those 13 and older, $16 for children 3 to 12 and free for those 2 and younger. Weekend pricing increases in October to $18 for ages 3 to 12 and $24 for 13 and older. Group discounts are available, as well as campfire and picnic site rentals.
For information, go to richardsonfarm.com.
The annual Arts and Crafts on the Farm at Stade’s Farm and Market, 3709 Miller Road, McHenry, will feature the work of more than 75 original artists and crafters.
The work they specialize in includes jewelry making, paintings, wooden signs, metal garden art, soap aromatherapy, holiday decorations, handmade paper cards, knitted items, dog treats, pottery, sports items, etched mirrors and glassware, clothing and children’s toys.
The craft show will run 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
In addition to the show, Stade’s offer you-pick fruits and vegetables, including apples, pumpkins, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, green beans and peppers, depending on what is in season.
As part of its Shades of Autumn Festival, its entertainment area houses a petting zoo, corn maze, giant slides and hayrides.
General admission is $20 for those 3 to 59 years old and $10 for those 60 and older. Children 2 and younger are admitted free, and a season pass can be bought for $70.
For information, go to stadesfarmandmarket.com.
3. The Truck Off Food Truck Fest returns Saturday to the McHenry County Fairgrounds, 12015 Country Club Road, Woodstock, with more than 25 food trucks, live music and other entertainment.
Among the food trucks slated for the event – which runs 5 to 10 p.m. with a VIP hour from 4 to 5 p.m. – Cheesie’s Pub and Grub, Stix and Noodles, Girl’s Got Balls, Dope Sandwich, Culinary Gangster, Your Sister’s Tomato, Fire and Smoke BBQ Company, Da Local Boy and Pierogi Wagon.
Live music will be provided by Rumor Hazit, Jesse’s Girl Chicago and Rick Lindy & the Wild Ones. Joe Diamond and Dylan Snow will offer magic and mind reading while a kids’ area will host activities.
A beer tent will offer a selection of beverages, including Convoy Kölsch, a limited-edition commemorative beer with Sew Hop’d Brewery of Huntley.
Tickets can be purchased for $10 at eventbrite.com/e/truck-off-tickets-298514644337. VIP tickets cost $20. Children 12 and younger are admitted free. The event benefits the McHenry County Fair Foundation.
For information, go to truckoff.net.
4. The Amazing Woodstock Race also returns this weekend with teams invited to complete challenges and decipher clues as they make their way through town.
Check-in is at 12:45 PM at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5040, 240 N. Throop St. in Woodstock.
The cost is $25 a person, with six players maximum per team. The event is a fundraiser for the Friends of the Opera House and Friends of the Old Courthouse.
For information, go to woodstockoperahouse.com.
5. McHenry Township and the McHenry Township Road District will host a free touch-a-truck event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Albert A. Adams Park.
Kids will be allowed to touch, honk and climb the equipment on display. Concessions will be provided by the McHenry Lions Club.
Visitors can enter the park at Route 31 and Johnsburg Road.
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