McHenry High School’s music honor society named Illinois’s chapter of the year

The board of McHenry High School's Tri-M Music Honor Society during the 2021-22 school year included, left to right, Advisor Tracy Tobin, President Carissa Hudson, Vice President Reese Vincent, Treasurer James Mihevc, Secretary Rin Justin, and Historian Joseph Sacramento.

McHenry High School’s Tri-M Music Honor Society Chapter was named Illinois’s chapter of the year by the National Association for Music Education.

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is an international music honor society for middle and high school students designed to recognize them for their academic. musical and service achievements, according to a news release.

McHenry High School’s chapter will receive an engraved permanent service plaque along with a scholarship award, which can be used to fund a professional development activity for the chapter including but not limited to clinicians, master classes, field trips, conference travel or summer music program scholarships.

McHenry’s chapter is led by adviser Tracy Tobin.

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