News - McHenry County

Cary Park District vice president elected to state board

Melissa Victor, vice president of the Cary Park District board, recently was elected to the Illinois Association of Park Districts’ Board of Trustees.

Melissa Victor, Vice President of the Cary Park District, was recently elected to the Illinois Association of Park Districts’ Board of Trustees.

As an IAPD trustee, Victor will assist the association with its mission of advancing Illinois park districts, forest preserves, conservation, recreation and special recreation agencies in their ability to preserve natural resources and improve the quality of life for all people in Illinois, according to a news release.

She will work with the 19-member board to advise the association in providing service, research, advocacy, public awareness and educational programs to its membership of 360 park, recreation and conservation agencies and almost 100 affiliated business partners.

Victor serves on the IAPD Program Committee and is the IAPD operations co-chair of the IAPD/IPRA Joint Conference Committee. She was elected to the Cary Park District’s Board of Commissioners in 2019.

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