Crystal Lake man accused of soliciting, possessing child porn

The man also was found in possession of a criminal amount of marijuana and pills, according to court records

Alexander S. Leiras

A 32-year-old Crystal Lake man remained at the McHenry County Jail on Friday on charges alleging that he solicited a child to send him sexually explicit pictures.

Alexander S. Leiras of the 100 block of Pine Court is charged with child pornography, indecent solicitation, exploitation, grooming, possession with intent to deliver between 30 and 500 grams of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and possession of between 100 and 500 grams of marijuana.

The most serious charge, child pornography, is a felony typically punishable by as many as 15 years in prison.

Crystal Lake police arrested Leiras about 1 p.m. Wednesday after learning that he exchanged sexually explicit images with an underage girl, court records show.

According to a four-count criminal complaint, Leiras is accused of grooming the child and soliciting her to send inappropriate photos May 8.

He also is accused of possessing marijuana and Adderall the day of his arrest, according to a separate criminal complaint.

Leiras remained at the McHenry County Jail on Friday on a $100,000 bond. He would need to post $10,000 bail to secure his release.

Leiras is expected to appear in court Monday morning with an attorney from the McHenry County Public Defender’s Office.

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