Crystal Lake Park District seeking resident input on park projects planned for next year

Plans under review for Kamijima Park, Lapins Park and Brighton Oaks Park

Crystal Lake and Lakewood residents can tell the Crystal Lake Park District their thoughts on various park projects planned for next year.

Attendees can review a variety of concept plans to provide their input and ask questions at various meetings set for November, according to a news release.

Park district employees will take the information gathered at these meetings to finalize plans for these parks, the district said.

Different parks will be discussed at different meetings:

  • Kamijima Park: 7 p.m. Nov. 8 at the West Beach Building, 2330 Lake Ave., Crystal Lake;
  • Lapins Park: 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Rotary Building at Veteran Acres, 431 N. Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake; and
  • Brighton Oaks Park: 7 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Crystal Lake Park District Administration Office, 1 E. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake.

For information, contact Ann Viger, director of park development and interpretive services, at

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