Letter: Robb Tadelman for sheriff


I have been following the McHenry County sheriff’s race these past few months and feel that there is only one candidate qualified to be the next sheriff: Robb Tadelman. Robb’s experience and dedication to the department speaks volumes about his readiness for the position, a position that entails supervising over 400 employees and managing a budget of over $40 million. As resident of this great county, it’s up to us to do our research and truly decide who is ready for that role.

I first met Robb a few years ago before he decided to run for sheriff, and I was immediately impressed. His extensive law enforcement training, coupled with his involvement in this community through numerous non-profits, stood out to me. I realized even back then that he would be the type of leader who commanded respect.

Unfortunately, some individuals who run for public office do so out of selfish intentions. However, with Robb, I know he genuinely wants what’s best for this county. Safety is a primary concern for him, as he lives in this county with his two young daughters and wife. As the current Undersheriff, he has been an integral part of keeping McHenry County crime low despite what is happening in our neighboring counties.

Robb Tadelman is exactly what this county needs to lead with honor and integrity.

Stewart Schulz

Lake in the Hills

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