Are you wanting to get in contact with someone in the military?
The Privacy Act obliges the Department of Veterans Affairs as a federal agency to protect the privacy of veterans’ personal information. To that end, the VA cannot release personal information about a veteran in its records system without that person’s permission. The VA can, however, forward a message to a veteran, providing the veteran has filed a claim with VA and their current address is on record, according to
What is the process? Follow these steps from the VA:
1. Write your message to your friend and place it in an unsealed, stamped envelope.
2. Include a note to VA explaining who it is that you are trying to reach and add as much identifying information as you have.
3. Put all of this in another envelope and address it to the nearest VA Regional Office. If the veteran is in VA records, your message to the veteran will be sealed and the envelope will be sent to the address on file for the veteran.
4. It is then up to the veteran to contact you. This process is designed to protect the privacy of veterans, as required by law.
5. If you have questions, you may call VA at 1-800-827-1000.
If you can’t reach a family member on active duty in an emergency, contact the American Red Cross. The Red Cross Hero Care Center is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with three options for requesting assistance: online, by phone, or the Hero Care App. Visit for full information about programs that support military communities.
Veterans Assistance Commission : 667 Ware Road : Woodstock, IL 60098 : 815.334.4229