Legal Matters: Important Documents Every Senior Should Have

Elderwerks Educational Services - Legal Matters: Important Documents Every Senior Should Have

As we age, there are legal documents that can help protect us and our families. The following are important legal documents you will need as a senior:

1. Power of Attorney (POA) for Healthcare​.This gives a trusted person permission to act on your behalf. This person will legally make decisions for you should you be unable to make them for yourself. It’s only implemented if you become incapacitated.

2. POA for Property​.This appoints an agent to manage your financial business, real estate, and personal affairs. This person manages your money and pays your bills. This person must be stable, trustworthy, and willing and able to work on your behalf.

3. Trusts. A trust specifies how assets should be distributed after someone dies. A Revocable Trust can be changed or terminated by the Trustor during their lifetime. An Irrevocable Trust cannot be changed once established. Discuss the best option for you with your elder law attorney.

4. Wills. A Will​ tells the judge who gets which personal items. It does not protect you from probate. An Advance Directive​ (Living Will) states your wishes for medical care if you’re unable to communicate your preferences. The person you designate to make decisions on your behalf should you become terminally ill, seriously injured, in a coma, or near the end of life, will decide end-of-life care including resuscitation, tube feeding, and organ donation.

5. Practitioners Order of Life Sustaining Treatment​ (POLST). This is a portable medical order for seriously ill or frail patients. It was developed to improve the quality of patient care by creating a system identifying apatient’swishes regarding medical treatment. This document helps to support your Advance Directive.

Elderwerks Educational Services offers has a list of documents and other information needed for your POA, trustees, and/or executors. You can find the list at:

For more information, please contact:

Elderwerks Educational Services

251 E. Northwest Highway

Palatine, IL 60067

Ph: 855.462.0100

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