POLO — In Marco Nutrition, the line of those waiting to have their faces painted stretched the length of the room. People continually came and went from the Polo fire station — some dinning in, some swinging by to grab take-out from the Polo Lions Club. At Crossroads Community Church, children hurried from a game to a bouncy house to another game.
And, when the clock struck 6 p.m., a crowd of about 200 was gathered around the intersection of West Mason Street and Division Avenue, awaiting the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus.
“They [Santa and Mrs. Claus] were blown away with how many people came out to see them,” said D.J. Sanders, who drove the fire truck that served as Santa’s sleigh to the location. “It was just a great day overall.”
The third annual Polo Christmas Festival was held Dec. 4, with various events taking place throughout the day — most of them in or around the city’s downtown.
“It seemed that everything was packed everywhere you went,” said Sanders, the festival committee president. “It was excellent. We were blown away with how many people came out.”
One of the most popular events new this year were the historical trolley tours of Polo, he said. The tours were led by members of the Polo Historical Society, and it’s definitely something they’ll look at continuing in the future, Sanders said.
The variety of activities was what brought Barb Reiners and her family to Polo from Dixon.
Reiners’ daughter — 4-year-old Olivia Reiners — was as excited to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus as she was about her unicorn face paint.
“And I got unicorn shoes and a unicorn hat,” Olivia said while jumping around after showing off the design on her face.
It was their first time attending the Polo Christmas Festival, but it won’t be the last, Reiners said.
“This is the best festival we’ve been to this year,” she said.
The festival committee always is looking for new ideas and new members, Sanders said. They’re planning on doing some fundraisers in 2022 to help fund the festival, he said.
To contact the committee, visit the Polo Christmas Festival Facebook page, or email polochristmasfestival@gmail.com.