FORRESTON – The Community Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Forreston Lions Club and the Forreston Area Business Association (FABA), will be 12-2 p.m., Saturday, April 19, at Memorial Park, next to Forreston Grade School.
The schedule is as follows:
12-1 p.m.: sign up for Easter Egg Baskets. A drawing will be held for each age group. Winner of the baskets will be distributed at end of the Egg hunt and a picture taken with the group of winners for the newspaper.
12 p.m.-until sold out: Forreston Lions Club Lunch Stand. Hot dog or brat, chips, and water.
12-2 p.m.: Touch-a-Truck. (No horns or sirens from 12-1 p.m.)
12:30-1 p.m.: Special Easter Egg Hunt for sensory sensitive kids.
1 p.m.: Easter Egg Hunt begins starting with ages 0-2 yrs old followed by age groups 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9,10,11+.
If weather does not cooperate, the egg hunt will be in the Forreston Grade School gym.