Forreston Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt is April 19 at Memorial Park

12-2 p.m., Saturday, April 19, at Memorial Park

Nicholas Lakota, 11, of Freeport, dives for Easter eggs and candy as Kylee Coller, 9, and Malayah and Aliyah, Curry, 9 and 10, laugh at the start of one of the Easter egg hunts sponsored by the Forreston Lions and FABA at Memorial Park in Forreston on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

FORRESTON – The Community Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Forreston Lions Club and the Forreston Area Business Association (FABA), will be 12-2 p.m., Saturday, April 19, at Memorial Park, next to Forreston Grade School.

The schedule is as follows:

12-1 p.m.: sign up for Easter Egg Baskets. A drawing will be held for each age group. Winner of the baskets will be distributed at end of the Egg hunt and a picture taken with the group of winners for the newspaper.

12 p.m.-until sold out: Forreston Lions Club Lunch Stand. Hot dog or brat, chips, and water.

12-2 p.m.: Touch-a-Truck. (No horns or sirens from 12-1 p.m.)

12:30-1 p.m.: Special Easter Egg Hunt for sensory sensitive kids.

1 p.m.: Easter Egg Hunt begins starting with ages 0-2 yrs old followed by age groups 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9,10,11+.

If weather does not cooperate, the egg hunt will be in the Forreston Grade School gym.

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