Sandbags in place in Savanna as officials, residents wait for Mississippi River to crest

Savanna firefighter Gene Gonyier and inmates from Kewanee were busy placing sandbags behind the downtown business district on Saturday as Mississippi River levels continued to rise. The river was expected to crest at 22' later this week. Flood stage is 16'. The 2019 flood reached 21'.

SAVANNA – Savanna officials began preparing for the expected rise in the Mississippi River several weeks ago. On Saturday evening, a large part of that preparation was finished.

“We have completed our sand bagging efforts downtown and will no longer need volunteers,” the Savanna Fire Department posted on social media. “A huge thank you to everyone who came down to help. We are overwhelmed by the support from everyone, we could not have accomplished what we have in such a short time without all you!”

Earlier in the day, firefighter Gene Gonyier was busy directing inmates from Kewanee as he and other volunteers added to a 750-foot long wall behind the 300 and 400 blocks of Main Street.

Water levels in Savanna were expected to reach the 20.87-foot level of the 2019 flood by Wednesday, April 26.

According to the National Weather Service the spring flood risk is still well above normal for the Mississippi River and near normal for its tributaries.

“The snowmelt has largely finished up north and water is moving into the tributaries. The initial snowmelt absorbed well into thawed ground, until ground became saturated. Fresh snow fall over the past week blanketed much of Wisconsin and Minnesota with 6-plus inches of snow and added an inch or more of snow water equivalent (SWE). Additional rain also fell across the northern portion of the basin, contributing to increased anticipated crests. The rate of snowmelt has been high over the past few days, and will continue into the weekend. We are expecting chances for rain to fall in the upper basin from Friday (April 28) to Monday (May 1),” the NWS said on their website.

Savanna and Carroll County officials along with inmates from Kewanee were busy placing sandbags behind the downtown business district on Saturday as Mississippi River levels continued to rise. The river was expected to crest at 22' later this week. Flood stage is 16'. The 2019 flood reached 21', Savanna officials began preparing for the flood several weeks ago.
The Mississippi River flows into Marquette Park in Savanna on Saturday, April 2023. River levels were expected to continue to rise due to melting snow and rain north of Illinois. The river, currently at flood stage (16')  was projected to crest at 22'. The 2019 flood reached 21'.
A worker at Lock & Dam 13, between Thomson and Fulton, uses a long metal rod to push debris away from the north end of the lock on Saturday, April 22. Mississippi River levels were expected to continue to rise and possibly crest at 22' this week.
A white pelican floats in the lock at Lock & Dam 13, between Thomson and Fulton, on Saturday. Mississippi River levels were expected to continue to rise and possibly crest at 22' this week. Flood stage is 16'. The 2019 flood reached 21'.
Earleen Hinton

Earleen Hinton

Earleen creates content and oversees production of 8 community weeklies. She has worked for Shaw Newspapers since 1985.