Putnam County Rotary presents awards to PCHS seniors

Awards were presented to 4 students

Recipients of Putnam County Rotary Awards include (L-R): Jesse Scott, Azael Vargas, Nicholas Currie, and Fabian Rivera. The award presentations were made by Rotary President Debbie Buffington and Vice President Adriane Shore.

The Putnam County Rotary presented five awards to Putnam County High School seniors at the annual awards assembly held on May 3. Each award recognizes academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement and community service.

The Knute Hammel Memorial Scholarship award recognizes a student intending to further their education in business practices. This year’s $500 award was presented to Jesse Scott, whose plans include IVCC, Bradley University and a business career.

The Bill Klein Memorial Scholarship recognizes a student whose qualities include the drive and determination that past Club President Bill Klein had demonstrated to be the keys to personal and vocational success during his life. The $500 award was earned by Azael Vargas, who has served his community as a member and Vice President of Interact as well as through his involvement in other school extracurriculars. Vargas intends to pursue college and a career in biomedical engineering.

A scholarship was added last year in memory of Dan Ramirez, a Rotarian and volunteer whose service as PC Schools Technology Director helped improve the lives of students and staff. The $500 award recognizes a student’s vision to utilize computer technology to make the world a better place. Recipient Fabian Rivera intends to study cyber-security at IVCC. The award is renewable as his studies advance.

Rivera also earned this year’s $500 Co-Op Student of the Year Award, annually recognizing a student who has excelled in the school’s work-school cooperative program. His work experience was gained at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Peru. The employer is also recognized with a plaque in appreciation for their student guidance and participation in the Co-Op project.

The Club’s final award looks to honor a student whose community service and student leadership accomplishments, earn the club’s highest honor for student “service above self.” Nicholas Currie was presented the award, having participated in many service and student leadership activities, all while participating in sports, working part-time, earning high academic honors leading up to his senior year as PCHS Interact President. He will be attending Missouri S & T, studying mechanical engineering. In his honor, the club presented a donation to the Rotary-sponsored PCHS Interact Club.

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