Marshall-Putnam 4-H to present three-part yarn program

Register by Oct. 15

Marshall-Putnam 4-H is excited to present “Yarn, Yarn, Yarn,” three days of yarn activities.

All activities will take place at the University of Illinois Extension office, 509 Front St., Henry. This is open to all youth ages 8-18. Membership in 4-H is not a requirement to participate.

Learn three different ways to create art with yarn.

• Day 1- Oct. 23, 9-11 a.m. Learn how to make a knitted hat on a round loom. Participants will take home their loom.

Day 2- Oct. 30, 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Learn how to weave on a small loom. Participants will make a wall hanging or coasters. They will take home their looms.

Day 3- Nov. 6, 9-11 a.m. Learn how to knit using your hands. No needles needed. Participants will learn the basics of hand knitting.

Registration is required by contacting the Marshall-Putnam Extension office at 309-364-2356 or email Anne Scheel at by Oct. 15.

This is free to enrolled 4-H members and $5 for non 4-H members. All materials will be provided. Masks are required.

To learn more about 4-H or information on enrolling your child in a local club, contact Scheel.

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