Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation awards scholarships to area students

Lee County Farm Bureau Undergraduate Scholarship recipient Molly Biggs

AMBOY – The Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation awarded five area students with scholarships to pursue degrees in an agriculture related field of study. The Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation has been awarding scholarships since 1992 and has awarded scholarships to 94 students pursuing degrees in an agricultural-related field of study.

Recipients of the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation scholarships included:

  • Elaina Harris – recipient of the Gentry Family Agricultural Scholarship and the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship
Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Gentry Family Agricultural Scholarship and the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship recipient Elaina Harris
  • Ashley Althaus – recipient of the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship recipient Ashley Althaus
  • Brett Buhrow – recipient of the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship recipient Brett Buhrow
  • Margaret Vaessen – recipient of the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
Lee County Farm Bureau Undergraduate Scholarship recipient Margaret Vaessen
  • Molly Biggs – recipient of the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
Lee County Farm Bureau Undergraduate Scholarship recipient Molly Biggs

The Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation’s mission is to fund and encourage ag-related educational opportunities to the youth of Lee County through programs including college scholarships, Books by the Bushel, and Ag in the Classroom.

For information about the Lee County Farm Bureau Foundation, visit www.lcfbfoundation.org or call 815-857-3531.

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