Dixon youths invited to join art contest

DIXON – The Northwest Territory Historic Center is hosting a 2023 Holiday Local Kids Art Contest.

The contest is open to Dixon residents or any resident within 15 miles of Dixon within the age ranges of 3 to 18. Four age groups will have the opportunity to have their art permanently displayed at NTHC and the chance to win some great prizes.

Children ages 3 to 7 can choose from custom coloring pages drawn by Jenni Kenni. The page can be colored with any media as long as it does not alter or destroy the images or page. Participants ages 7 to 18 can submit their art from the following prompts:

  • What do the holidays mean to you? This can be Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule or any other holiday you and your family celebrate.
  • How is President Ronald Reagan important to you?
  • What does Dixon and the Sauk Valley mean to you or your family?
  • What excites you about space and the concept of the universe?

Art will be judged on composition, technique, originality and spirit. The center will accept the following types of art submissions:

  • Visual: “traditional” art such as paintings drawings etc., graphic novels, photography, digital art (no artificial intelligence), collage, sculpture.
  • Performative: theater, dance, music, film (recorded), poetry (written or spoken).
  • Interactive: video game demos (downloadable and playable).

Art submissions will be open Nov. 27 until Dec. 20. Submissions must be made in person along with the corresponding form, which can be found at NTHC.org or at the center, 205 W. Fifth St., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Submission of a contestant’s first piece of art is free. Additional art can be submitted at a $5 per piece charge to a maximum of three pieces. Judging of the art will occur by NTHC staff and family Dec. 21 and 22.

  • Prizes for ages 3 to 7: first prize, Audi TT Kids Car (manual and remote drive, black with horn, MP3 Music); runner up, $50 Walmart gift card.
  • Prizes for ages 7 to 12: first prize, Nintendo Switch (Blue/Red, non-OLED); runner up, $100 Walmart gift card.
  • Prizes for ages 13 to 15: first prize, Xbox Series S (White, 512GB); runner up, $150 Amazon gift card.
  • Prizes for ages 16 to 18: first prize, Sony PlayStation 5 (White, Disc Edition); runner up, $200 Amazon gift card.
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