Pastor’s Corner: Finding hope and renewal in the New Year

Mike Sutcliffe

As we approach the start of a new year, we cannot ignore the difficulties and setbacks that have shaped our lives over the previous few years. From the global pandemic to political and economic instability, our world has encountered unforeseen challenges. It makes sense that we might feel discouraged and overburdened during these difficult times. But I believe by reading God’s Word, and particularly by learning the encouraging tale of Jabez, we can find hope even in the worst of times.

An inspiring tale of hope and renewal, Jabez’s life story is buried away in a little chapter in the book of 1 Chronicles 4. Amidst the everyday challenges of life, Jabez stands out as a man driven by a longing for something greater, something more fulfilling.

We learn that Jabez was the most upright of his siblings in the Bible, yet his mother gave him the name Jabez – meaning “sorrow” or “pain” – because, as she put it, “I bore him in pain.” Jabez could have easily let this unfavorable description define his entire life, resigning himself to a future filled with grief and suffering. However, he chose a different path.

The fact that Jabez was from a poor family or had a bad name did not stop him from seeking and hoping for what God desires and offers to each of us. Instead, he prayed earnestly to God, saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”

In his prayer, Jabez expresses his sincere desire for God’s guidance, safety, and favor. He trusted that God could change his life and the future, and his faith was not in vain. According to the Bible, God answered Jabez’s prayer, and his life was even better than he had hoped.

We discover a timely message of hope for this upcoming year in Jabez’s story. It serves as a reminder that the past need not dictate the future. Like Jabez, we have the chance to turn to God in trust despite the difficulties and suffering we may have gone through. We can pray to God to show us His favor, bless us and use His loving hand to guide us.

It’s true, our lives continue to present us with new and unexpected challenges each day. However, it’s important to recognize that merely changing the calendar year does not alter our circumstances. Real transformation and enduring hope only come when we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

It seems fitting that we begin a new year by looking to the life of Jabez, a forgotten man in the Old Testament, for guidance. His life is an inspiring example of how trusting in God may change one’s circumstances. God offers a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, one that provides deep and enduring hope, no matter how challenging our past has been or what uncertainties may lie ahead.

As we step into 2024, I encourage you to follow Jabez’s inspiring example. Refuse to let the sorrows and pains of the past define you. Take a leap of faith, and put your trust in Jesus Christ, the only source of true hope. Seek out a nearby church where you can find a supportive Christian community. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of spiritual revival, not only in our own lives but throughout the entire Sauk Valley community. Draw closer to God and experience the power of His transforming grace. With Jesus as our Lord and the support of a caring community, we can look forward to a year filled with purpose, blessings from our Heavenly Father and lasting hope.

  • Mike Sutcliffe is president of the Dixon Area Christian Ministers Association and is the pastor of Corner Fringe Ministries – Dixon.
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