Polo High School’s students of the month announced

Meet Polo High School students who have been selected students of the month in the first half of the 2023-2024 school year.

September 2023

Elleanna Wells, a senior, is the daughter of Chris and Monroe Wells and has a sibling, Draven.

What class do you find really engaging and why?

One class that I am extremely engaged and excited about is Environmental Health taught by Gina Cole. It is extremely interesting talking about the different aspects of life and being able to talk to my entire class about my personal experiences and listening to theirs, all while Mrs. Cole shares her life experiences, as well. Going around the entire school and putting positive personalized messages on sticky notes and then putting them on people’s locker was my favorite project that we did so far. Being able to talk about topics that aren’t really spoken about in school is really interesting and the class is such a blast.

What are your career and post-graduation plans? What school(s) or other instruction, travel or endeavors do you have planned?

My dream is to get my Ph. D. and become an obstetrician/gynecologist. I have been looking into The University of Illinois, Illinois State University, and specifically The University of Iowa. I have visited Iowa many times due to my brother attending college there, but they also have an amazing medical program. I am hoping, in the summer before we all go to college, that my friends and I can go on a huge road trip around the country.

What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?

My two favorites are Spanish Club and Student Council. Spanish Club is run by our Spanish 4 class with the assistance of our Spanish teacher, Alicia Garrett. Our famous trip to Chicago is my favorite because I get to wander around the big city with my friends. We also have scary movie nights and Christmas parties for the whole club. I would say that I am the most involved in Student Council because it is my favorite. Being involved with our entire student body fills me with achievement. My favorite event that we planned was our field day last year, because due to COVID we were never able to have one. Being able to help plan events and to be able to do that for the entire school year always keeps me active.

Please share a moment, group event or activity at school that was meaningful or memorable.

I have so many memories, but my favorite is solving the murder mystery in forensics and accusing all of the teachers or putting a toilet we found on the side of the road in Mr. Horst’s doorstep during Homecoming week.

What is your hope for the future?

I hope that I get into my dream school and achieve all the goals I am striving for. I hope that my senior year continues to be a blast before we all leave each other, but I hope that everyone goes out into the real world outside of small-town Polo and have the best times of their lives. I hope that I stay in contact with my closest friends and I get to grow old with them, happy and healthy.

October 2023

De’Angelo Fernandez is a senior and the son of Jaclyn Maldonado and Dery Fernandez. He has one sibling, Jiovanni Fernandez

What class do you find really engaging and why?

Economics with Blayne Kappes because we have lots of open discussions in that class and also some made-up debates, such as if Polo should build a huge water park or not. Plus, it’s a fun time sitting next to Nathaniel Yingling.

What are your career and post-graduation plans? What school(s) or other instruction, travel or endeavors do you have planned?

I plan on either going to Aurora University and playing football or attend Sauk Valley Community College and make some money

What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?

My favorite extracurricular activity is football because it’s always a fun time and keeps me connected to my friends and coaches. I’ve also learned a lot of responsibility from the sport and hard work. Also track because I enjoy the practices, getting better at the sport and also with the experience of winning state for the 4x100 will stick with me forever.

Please share a moment, group event or activity at school that was meaningful or memorable.

The state championship prep rally was a really memorable experience for me

What is your hope for the future?

To have a successful career in whatever I choose, to just have fun and live a good life.

November 2023

Karlea Frey is a senior and the daughter of Jeff and Melissa Frey. She has two siblings, Seth Bothe and Jared Frey.

What class do you find really engaging and why?: Chemistry with Gina Cole has been my most engaging class I’ve taken. I took basic chemistry my sophomore year, and then AP chemistry my junior year, and it was very interesting. I had so much fun. I love to do experiments and prove that a hypothesis is correct or find that it is incorrect. My favorite lab has been titration and working with pH.

What are your career and post-graduation plans? What school(s) or other instruction, travel or endeavors do you have planned?: I plan on attending a four-year college and majoring in pre-medicine or pharmacy. While I’m in college I would like to either play sports or study abroad.

What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?

Travel softball and volunteering in a second grade classroom have been my favorite extracurricular activities. Travel softball has taught me how to manage my time and be committed to something. Volunteering with second graders has taught me how to be patient and understanding of others.

What is your hope for the future?

I hope to get my doctorate, have a family and live in a nice house with a golden retriever.

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Charlene Bielema

Charlene Bielema

Charlene Bielema is the editor of Sauk Valley Media.