Brady Root is Rock Falls High School’s Student of the Month

Brady Root

ROCK FALLS – Brady Root, a senior, is Rock Falls High School’s Student of the Month for February.

He is the son of Sara and Andrew Root and has two siblings, Maximus Root and Macinzee Root.

What class do you find really engaging and why?: I find psychology interesting. Mark Truesdell goes really into depth with the subject. He uses real-life examples to help us better understand things. He always has a video on YouTube for his examples. The mind in general and how people act the way they do is overall interesting.

What are your career and post-graduation plans? What school(s) or other instruction, travel or endeavors do you have planned?: I am planning on becoming an athletic trainer or physical therapist. I also plan on running track in college. I have not decided where I will be attending college, but most likely somewhere in state.

What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?: My two favorite extracurriculars are cross country and track. I have done both since sixth grade, and I have always enjoyed it. I made new friends ever since I joined my freshman year, and I still talk to them to this day. It also keeps me busy and in shape.

Please share a moment, group event or activity at school that was meaningful or memorable.: I would say any sports events. Being in the social aspect and hanging with friends is always a good time while also watching our school compete.

What is your hope for the future?: I hope to become an athletic trainer for a Division I college team or professional team.

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Charlene Bielema

Charlene Bielema

Charlene Bielema is the editor of Sauk Valley Media.