Letter: Signing day showcases careers available in the Sauk Valley

Sauk Valley Letters to the Editor

Like many others, I was pleased to see the May 18 front-page story about Whiteside Area Career Center’s graduates signing with local businesses.

Not only does it promote local businesses, but it also shows there are careers in the Sauk Valley for our high school graduates. And the event was done in the fashion of a college sports scholarship announcement.

I’ve often thought high school should prepare students to go to college or go to a trade school or to get a job and immediately start contributing to our local economy. I would personally like to see more of our local businesses collaborate with our high schools so our graduates who do not plan to continue their education will be able to move on to the next stage of their lives.

By joining together to make this new type of signing day work, the WACC, the Regional Office of Education and the Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce have hopefully helped another generation get off to a good start.

Greg Smith


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