Rock Falls Rotary Club presents award

President of Rock Falls Rotary Shane Brown (center) welcomed a former exchange student sent out by Rock Falls Rotary in 1986-1987 Amy (Harms) McFarland (right). McFarkland went  to Denmark after her graduation from Rock Falls High School and then on to Scotland as an Ambassadorial Scholar where she met her husband and now lives.  On the left is Rock Falls Rotary 2024-2025 outbound Exchange student Kennedi Woodyatt who will be spending the next year in France. Youth exchange is a Rotary program to unite the world globally at the person to person level. Students who have been Rotary Exchange students have family on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

ROCK FALLS – Rotary President Shane Brown presented a pin to Julie Logan in honor of her achievement of reaching the $4,000 level of donation to the Rotary Foundation, known as Paul Harris Fellow +4.

The Rotary Foundation funds support for worldwide projects such as the eradication of polio; disease control; and peace, education and health issues worldwide.

Brown also welcomed a former exchange student sent out by Rock Falls Rotary in 1986 and 1987. Amy (Harms) McFarland went to Denmark after her graduation from Rock Falls High School and then visited Scotland as an ambassadorial scholar, where she met her husband and where she now lives.

Rock Falls Rotary 2024-25 outbound exchange student Kennedi Woodyatt, who will be spending the next year in France, also was in attendance.

Youth Exchange is a Rotary program to unite the world globally at the person-to-person level. Students who have been Rotary exchange students have family on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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