Lee County Sheriff’s Office announces Labor Day safe driving campaigns

Emblem of Lee County Sheriff's Department, seen on a squad car on Friday, April 21, 2023.

DIXON – The Lee County Sheriff’s Office will partner with Illinois State Police and local law enforcement agencies to increase enforcement through Labor Day weekend with the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different,” “Drive High Get a DUI” and “Click It or Ticket” driving campaigns.

The campaigns will run from Aug. 16 through Sept. 3.

The sheriff’s office will increase enforcement to reduce impaired, distracted and unbuckled driving. Drivers are encouraged to remember to designate a sober driver; buckle up; and not let friends or family drive drunk, high or impaired by drugs.

The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different,” “Drive High Get a DUI” and “Click It or Ticket” campaigns are funded with federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

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