GLP-1 is a hormone that your body produces in the intestinal tract. It helps to regulate your blood sugar and to slow down the rate at which your stomach empties, which can help control your appetite.
You’ve probably heard of GLP-1 a lot lately in reference to a group of medications used to treat people with diabetes and that many people have also used for weight loss. These drugs are referred to as GLP-1 agonists because they mimic the effect of natural GLP-1 production.
Scientists are still studying the effects of these drugs, but you don’t need a prescription to enhance the natural weight management benefits of the GLP-1 hormone. You just need to improve your diet.
There are several foods that have been shown to increase GLP-1 levels. Foods that are high in fiber and rich in protein and healthy fats seem to hold the key.
High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. When your body breaks down this fiber it creates short chain fatty acids in your gut that send the signal to release GLP-1 into the bloodstream.
Eggs are another food that seems to benefit GLP-1 production. The protein and monounsaturated fat content of eggs are associated with lower glucose levels after eating and reduced feelings of hunger.
Nuts combine protein, fiber and healthy fat so it shouldn’t surprise you that they may also increase GLP-1 levels. As with fruits, vegetables and beans, the fiber in nuts is digested slowly, which means that glucose is released gradually into the bloodstream. The monounsaturated fat in nuts can also help with insulin sensitivity.
Avocados are another food that contains a combination of fiber and monounsaturated fat to slow down digestion and improve insulin sensitivity.
Olive oil is another rich source of the unsaturated fat that seems to be better at helping the body secrete GLP-1 than saturated fats like those found in butter.
As you can see, there are many delicious ways to ensure that your body is secreting GLP-1 that don’t require shots or pills and don’t have side effects. And even though the price of eggs may fluctuate, I doubt if they will ever be more expensive than prescription drugs.
And it should make sense that highly processed foods that are full of refined carbohydrates, like white flour and sugar, and that contain saturated fats (fried food) are not the best choice for optimum GLP-1 production.
• Sherry DeWalt is the healthy lifestyles coordinator for the CGH Health Foundation in Sterling.