People will tell you all sorts of things, often unprompted, when they find out you’re a pastor: “I go to such-and-such church. … do you know it?” or “I used to be fill-in-the-blank but I don’t attend anymore.”
About half of the time conversation just stops, and other times conversation flows on. Occasionally, however, the response will be, “Oh, I don’t believe in God.” I usually smile and nod and say “OK!” as I’ve never quite known what to say to that.
It’s not my place to judge your beliefs or try and evangelize to you as I get my haircut or pay for my groceries. In true Lutheran fashion, publicly sharing about my faith is scary to me and not something I do often. It is my job as a pastor, however, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. A little paradox, isn’t it?
What I do know is that doubt is a natural thing in any person’s life. Many in Dixon have been raised with a Christian background only to walk away as they got older or experienced something that shook their faith to its core, while others connect with God daily. Each is an equally valid experience, and attending church does not automatically equal a perfect Christian. Doubt is a natural part of the journey.
I would be lying if I said I’ve never doubted God’s existence before, but I cling to a core Lutheran belief – that God first loved us and the Holy Spirit works in and through our lives. Full stop. God’s love isn’t contingent on us. That’s what grace is; God comes to us because we cannot on our own make it to God. You are loved, whether you like it or not!
So, I might answer the next person that tells me they don’t believe in God that that’s OK because God believes in them, and they are not alone. Every church is made up of people just like them.
What I love about the church is it’s a place to journey through life together. To walk through times of doubt, belief, sorrow, and joy together. And, it’s a place to be reminded of God’s unending love for all of creation.
Whether you doubt or have the faith to move mountains, know that God certainly believes in you, and the Body of Christ isn’t fully complete until all are included (1 Cor. 12:12-26). There is always a place for you. Whether you believe or not, you are welcome.
Hope to see you around.
• Anthony Windau serves as co-pastor of Immanuel and St. Paul Lutheran churches with his wife, Pastor Riley Reed-Windau. They moved to Dixon in November.