Shaw Local Radio Podcast: Talk Line with Steve Marco interviews Andy McFarlane and Katie Matteson, Dixon YMCA

Dixon Family YMCA CEO Andy McFarlane thanks the board, city leaders and local supporters for helping to start the process of building the new child development center Monday, Nov. 27, 2023.

The TALK-LINE interview for March 5 is with Chief Executive Officer at the Dixon Family YMCA, Andy McFarlane, along with Fitness Director Katie Matteson discussing the upcoming “Shamrock Shuffle” Fun Run and 5K on Saturday, March 15, with registration for the event continuing up until March 15, along with youth soccer registration information and Lovett Child Care Center news.

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John Sahly

John Sahly

John Sahly is the digital editor for the Shaw Local News Network. He has been with Shaw Media since 2008, previously serving as the Northwest Herald's digital editor, and the Daily Chronicle sports editor and sports reporter.