Shaw Local Radio Podcast: Talk Line with Steve Marco interviews Jim Grot, Sauk Valley Community College

Exterior of Dillon Mall, a main entrance at Sauk Valley Community College, seen on Friday, April 21, 2023.

The TALK-LINE interview for March 6 featured Sauk Valley Community College Marketing Manager Jim Grot discussing upcoming events on the SVCC calendar including a baseball/softball umpiring course Saturday March 8, at the college free of charge, a need for “College For Kids” instructors to sign up for the June event, motor-coach trips to see Moulin Rouge in Chicago on April 3 and a Galena Wine Tasting Trip on April 12.

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Below is the transcript from the Talk-Line podcast with Jim Grot.

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John Sahly

John Sahly

John Sahly is the digital editor for the Shaw Local News Network. He has been with Shaw Media since 2008, previously serving as the Northwest Herald's digital editor, and the Daily Chronicle sports editor and sports reporter.