This spring, Sauk Valley voters get to decide who will make the important decisions regarding their communities, schools, townships, fire departments, parks and libraries.
Early voting has started with voting to conclude on Election Day, April 1.
Below are all competitive races in Whiteside, Lee, Ogle and Carroll counties with candidate questionnaires and coverage as available. This voter guide will be updated if additional candidates submit their questionnaires and more coverage completed.
Table of Contents
School Districts
College Districts
Fire Districts
City of Amboy
Alderperson Ward 3, One two-year term
Jeffrey Parker
Luke Christoffersen (write-in)
City of Byron
Alderperson Ward 4
Mittzi Fulrath (incumbent)
Orlando Dowell
Kelly Neslund
City of Fulton
Shane Michael Malone
Keith King (Mayor pro tem)
City of Lanark
Mark Macomber (incumbent)
Jerene Rogan
Alderperson Ward 3
James Plock
Keenan Dickman (write-in)
City of Oregon
Council member, Vote for 2
Kurtis Wilson (incumbent)
Timothy Krug (incumbent)
Josiah Flanagan
City of Polo
Mark Scholl
Douglas E. Knapp (incumbent)
Alderperson Ward 2
Jeffrey Short
James Busser (incumbent)
City of Prophetstown
Bruce Franks
John Leoni
City of Rock Falls
Alderperson Ward 2, One four-year term
Brian Snow (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire
Marshall Doane: Candidate questionnaire
Listen to our podcast for an interview with Doane or read the transcript.
Vickey Byrd is running unopposed for a two-year term in Ward 2.
Alderperson Ward 3
Steven Dowd (incumbent)
Mary McNeill
Austin Zink
Alderperson Ward 4
Violet L. Sobottka: Candidate questionnaire
City of Sterling
Alderperson at-Large, Vote for 2
Ryan Nares
Allen Przysucha: Candidate questionnaire
Kaitlyn Ekquist (incumbent)
Jim Wise (incumbent)
Our coverage: “Forum brings together Sterling City Council candidates”
Listen to our podcast: Interviews with Wise, Nares and Przysucha.
Village of Albany
Village President
Jerry Anglese (incumbent)
John “Jack” Seifert
Trustee, Vote for 3
Joyce M. Tegeler (incumbent)
Richard “Floyd” Boston (incumbent)
Robert Griffis
Pamela L. Piersol (incumbent)
Timothy Alan McDonald
Robert J. Brashaw Jr.
Village of Ashton
Village President
Tim Henert (incumbent)
John Martinez
Village of Chadwick
Village President
Kimberly Hinrichs (incumbent)
Matthew Balsiger
Trustee, 2-Year Term Vote for 3
Rick Bosacki (incumbent)
Michael Morgan (incumbent)
Dannielle Augustine-Heidenreich
Dana Lunsford
Rebecca Schultz, Robert J. Wyeth (incumbent) and Teri Schnitzler are running for three open full four-year terms.
Village of Creston
Trustee, Vote for 2
Curt Ward (incumbent)
Justin Hibshman
Greg Hopkins is running unopposed for a two-year term.
Village of Forreston
Trustee, Vote for 3
Vickye Norris (incumbent)
Kenneth Toms
Brittany Busker (incumbent)
Mark Schweertman
Mahmoud Zayed
Jeff Freeze
Village of Franklin Grove
Village President
Eric Grendahl
John Nicholson
Village of Lee
Trustee, Vote for 3
Justin Post
Mitchell D. Hamm
Amber Otterstrom
Garet Galbreath
Village of Lyndon
Tim Armstrong
Tyler Scott (Mayor pro tem)
Village of Milledgeville
Village President
Scott Howard
Galen Wirth (incumbent)
Village of Nelson
Trustee, Vote for 3
Ann M. Devers (incumbent)
Sherry L. Armoska (incumbent)
Lu Ann Albus
Susan Lewandowski (incumbent)
Village of Paw Paw
John Nicholson
Karl “John” Karlsson
Donna Chick (incumbent)
Amanda Moorehead
Austin Clanin
Village of Shannon
Village President
Dawn Heckman
Ryan Shaner
Trustee, Vote for 3
Steven Miller
Talia Allen
Julie Harris
Marcy Misiewicz (incumbent)
Ashton Township
Trustee, Vote for 4
Terry Greenfield
Mark Meurer
Dan Hillison
Levi Decker
Sean Zellers
Brookville Township
Byron Township
Highway Commissioner
Mark Rundle (incumbent)
Jordan D. Thibodeau
Cherry Grove-Shannon Township
Nicole Allen
Kristin Derby
Coloma Township
Highway Commissioner
Ruthie Rogers (incumbent)
Wayne Eikenberry
Trustee, Vote for 4
Becky Williamson
Donna Ackland (incumbent)
Marlene Detweiler-Flynn
George Kelly
Brian Stillman
Our coverage: “Rock Falls’ Coloma Township government unravels; supervisor, trustee, clerk abruptly resign”
Dement Township
Amy Kerns
Angela K. Ward
Dixon Township
Highway Commissioner
Corey Reuter (incumbent)
Cameron Magne
Our coverage: “Dixon’s April election candidates speak on top priorities for upcoming terms”
Freedom Township
Amy Johnson
Zackary Kloster
Highway Commissioner
Lonny Nielsen
Ronald “Joe” Myers (incumbent)
Genesee Township
Kenneth A. Reins (incumbent)
Richard Koch
Trustee, Vote for 4
Steve Elgin (incumbent)
Shari Giffin
Paul Giffin
Theresa Koch
Keith Engelkens
Katie McCoy
Hahnaman Township
Highway Commissioner
Logan Henrekin
Harry Guither (incumbent)
Leaf River Township
Highway Commissioner
Tyler Wiltfang
Anthony Peterson (incumbent)
Lynnville Township
Highway Commissioner
David Mayer
Anthony Musselman
Richard Drendel (incumbent)
Marion Township
Highway Commissioner
Nathan Summers
Thomas Atchison
Trustee, Vote for 4
Dana Werckle (incumbent)
Douglas E. Boyd (incumbent)
Arthur E. Smith (incumbent)
William Hagemann
Robert Behmer (incumbent)
Mt. Carroll Township
Highway Commissioner
Jon Neuschwanger (incumbent)
Marty Hockman
Mt. Morris Township
Cary Bennett
John Thompson (incumbent)
Nelson Township
Highway Commissioner
Loren Brad Hirte
Guy Covell (incumbent)
Newton Township
Highway Commissioner
James V. Burden (incumbent)
Ryon Richardson
Oregon-Nashua Township
Highway Commissioner
Tim Leary (incumbent)
Joseph T. Ring
Portland Township
Highway Commissioner
Phillip Watkins (incumbent)
Randy Rosenow
Reynolds Township
Highway Commissioner
Albert Gittleson (incumbent)
Adam Mairs
Salem Township
Highway Commissioner
Mint J. Jilderda (incumbent)
Cody R. Carson
Ustick Township
Highway Commissioner
James Pell
Randy Smit (incumbent)
William Greeley
Trustee, Vote for 4
Andrew Toppert (incumbent)
Jim Pessman (incumbent)
Josh Dykstra
Albert Lewis (incumbent)
Brent Stoecker
Gale Toppert (incumbent)
Wyoming Township
Highway Commissioner
Matthew Schoenholz
Jared Penman
Kenneth Mersman (incumbent)
Amboy School District 272
Board member, Vote for 4
Elsa K. Payne (incumbent)
Mandy (Amanda) Powers (incumbent)
Nicholas Brokaw (incumbent)
Andrew Montavon (incumbent)
Katie Pratt
Rory R. White
A two-year term is also up, but no one filed for it.
Ashton-Franklin Center School District 275
Board member, Vote for 3
Aaron D. Baker
Tiffany Willstead (incumbent)
Cullen Searing
Lea Henert (incumbent)
Byron School District 226
Board member, Vote for 3
Christine Lynde (incumbent)
Beth Shenberger (incumbent)
Hannah Miller-Hosseini
Jason D. Mondello
Dixon School District 170
Board member, Vote for 4
Brandon Rogers
Linda Wegner: Candidate questionnaire
Jon Wadsworth
Linda Leblanc-Parks
Our coverage: “Dixon’s April election candidates speak on top priorities for upcoming terms”
Geneseo School District 5
Board member, Vote for 4
Tyler J. Robertson (17N Range 3E)
Casey Disterhoft (17N Range 3E)
Jackie Mickley (17N Range 3E) (incumbent)
Kane Causemaker (17N Range 4E) (incumbent)
Only two can come from 17N Range 3E.
Hiawatha School District 426
Board member representing Franklin Township, Vote for 2
Ralph Ziegler (incumbent)
Andrew Lyons (incumbent)
Norma Rutigliano (incumbent)
No candidates have filed for an unexpired two-year term, and Timothy S. Hall (incumbent) is running unopposed for a full term representing the rest of the district.
Meridian School District 223
Board member, 2-year term, Vote for 2
John W. Smith III (25N Range 11E) (incumbent)
Tim M. DeVries (25N Range 11E) (incumbent)
Board member, 4-year term, Vote for 4
Cassie Jennings (25N Range 11E)
Roger Morrow (24N Range 11E)
Jill L. Huber (24N Range 11E) (incumbent)
Alyssa Behmer (24N Range 11E)
Matthew Rhodes (41N Range 1E) (incumbent)
Not more than two candidates can come from 25N Range 11E. Four-year terms will be determined first.
Paw Paw School District 271
Board member, Vote for 4
Daniel Truckenbrod
Steven B. Richey (incumbent)
Joshua Sarver (incumbent)
Jennifer Kern
Anthony W. Corda Freeland
Pearl City School District 200
Board member, Vote for 4
Chad Bremmer (incumbent)
Nikki Keltner (incumbent)
Carlee A. Tessendorf (incumbent)
Samantha Kempel
Thomas Brown
Prophetstown-Lyndon-Tampico School District 3
Board member, Vote for 4
James Melton (incumbent)
Mallory DeMay
Whitney M. Mitchell-DeWitte (incumbent)
Tya M. Boucher (incumbent)
Katie Selburg
An unexpired two-year term is also up this election but no candidate has filed in the race.
River Bend School District 2
Board member, Vote for 3
Jane Orman-Luker (22N Range 3E) (incumbent)
Kyle A. Folk (22N Range 3E)
Daniel Portz (incumbent)
Travis Temple
Only one new board member may come from the 22N Range 3E area.
Rochelle Elementary School District 231
Board member, Vote for 4
Evan Tracy (Incorporated)
Ashley Jackson (Incorporated) (incumbent)
Sara Harley (Incorporated)
Stephanie White (Unincorporated) (incumbent)
Stacey Dunphy (Unincorporated)
Carol Salinas (Unincorporated)
Only two can come from the incorporated area.
Rochelle Township High School District 212
Board member, Vote for 4
Janet Kacvinsky
Joel Thompson (incumbent)
Martin W. Ravnaas Jr. (incumbent)
Robert Chadwick (incumbent)
Trisha Vaughn
Sterling School District 5
Board member, Vote for 2 from Sterling Township 21N Range 7E
Tyler Holesinger
Julie K. Aitken (incumbent): Candidate questionnaire
Savannah Mussington (incumbent)
Two more board members will be elected from the remaining part of the district:
Pamela G. Capes: Candidate questionnaire
David Miller
West Carroll School District 314
Board member, District 7
Morgan L. Murray (incumbent)
Zachary Vandendooren
Jeff Woodside is running unopposed in District 1, Juliene McCormick is unopposed in District 3 and Fredrick Tipton is unopposed in District 6.
Black Hawk Community College
Trustee, Vote for 2
Douglas L. Strand (incumbent)
Mark Carlson
Jon A. Looney
Dougal Nelson
Highland Community College
Trustee, Vote for 2
James G. Endress (incumbent)
Shawn Boldt (incumbent)
Gerald H. Podraza
Colton Havens (write-in_
Rock Valley College
Trustee, Vote for 3
Paul Gorski (incumbent)
Jerry Simmons
Gloria Cardenas Cudia (incumbent)
Richard Kennedy (incumbent)
Jenna Goldsmith
Sauk Valley Community College
Trustee, Vote for 2
David Edelbach
Tom Demmer (incumbent)
Danelle Burrs (incumbent)
Brian Duncan is running unopposed for an unexpired two-year term.
Prophetstown Fire Protection District
Two-Year Term, Vote for 2
Valorie Armstrong (incumbent)
Joe Pratt (incumbent)
Jacob Stanhoff
Keith Crady is running unopposed for a six-year term.
Whiteside County safety sales tax referendum
From the opinion page: “Sterling councilman: Support public safety sales tax vote April 1″
“Whiteside County sheriff: Support public safety sales tax when going to the polls April 1″
Close Ohio High School
Our coverage: “Ohio residents ask about potential high school closure; question to be on April 1 ballot”
Establish Flewellin Memorial Library District
New Leaf River Fire Protection District property tax levy
Mt. Morris Fire Protection District’s $4.5 million referendum for a new fire station