Shaw Local Radio Podcast: Talk Line with Steve Marco interviews Andy Jackson on ‘Gathering For Good’ event

Sinnissippi Center’s is expanding its services in Ogle County by opening a new outpatient office at 212 W. Blackhawk Drive in Byron in March.

The TALK-LINE interview for March 21 featured the Marketing Manager of Sinnissippi Centers of Dixon, Andy Jackson, discussing the upcoming “Gathering For Good” fundraising event in May.

Jackson also spoke about an annual golf open in August, a blood drive in April and the delayed opening of the new Byron facility, plus a look at “Self Harm Awareness Month” this month.

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John Sahly

John Sahly

John Sahly is the digital editor for the Shaw Local News Network. He has been with Shaw Media since 2008, previously serving as the Northwest Herald's digital editor, and the Daily Chronicle sports editor and sports reporter.