Isaiah Kuehl, 17, of Dixon, is Dixon High School’s January Student of the Month. He is the son of Jennifer Kuehl and Michael Kuehl. His older brother is Noah Kuehl, and his younger sister is Leah Kuehl.
Favorite class: Band. I love working together with other students to work for a common goal and to create music.
Least-favorite class: General English, since I have never been the best writer and it takes a lot of effort for me to write well.
Favorite teacher: Riley Carter, because he has put so much time into the band program and has helped me improve so much in the last year.
School activities in which you participate: Soccer, cross country, track, pit band, theater, marching band, pep band, and jazz band, to list a few.
Civic, church, or other volunteer activities in which you participate: I was a volunteer for Penguin Project this year, which is a program to help kids with learning disabilities get involved in theater. I also have volunteered at Dixon Public Library.
What will you do after high school? I will attend Sauk Valley Community College. I am unsure of a major, but am considering finance.
What is something you learned in high school that you think you’ll never use? Chemistry. In the fields I want to study, chemistry is not required for any of them.
If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? I would offer more classes to help students find out what they are passionate about.
If you could create any new class at your school, what would it be? I would make an orchestra class, because I used to play the violin, so having an orchestra would have been a great experience for me and other students wanting to participate.
What does it take to be a successful high school student? You have to be willing to work hard and ask questions. When you don’t understand something, you have to be willing to go and ask your teachers for help to better your education.
How would you describe your group of friends? They are like a family to me. There is a lot of trust with each other, and we are all there for each other if anyone is going through any difficult times.
Who is your best friend? William Miller. In middle school, Will and I had a hard time fitting in with our classmates. We only had each other, and that is what made our relationship so special, and that has just carried into high school.
What do you do in your free time, outside of school activities? Apart from spending time with my friends, one of my favorite things to do is go out and play disc golf.
What kind of music are you listening to? Mostly rap, sometimes classic rock.
If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be? Paris, because I think that would just be a beautiful place to visit.
What is your favorite childhood memory? The first time I went to Walt Disney World.
What is the best way to cheer you up? Give me some room to get over it eventually.
What is your life’s philosophy? Work hard always, and never give up on anything.
Do you have any pets? I have a 20-year-old cat named Isabel.
What would you do if you received $1 billion all of a sudden? I would give money to my family to help them with any financial problems they would ever have.
Sports team: Cubs
TV Show: “Stranger Things”
Movie: “Doctor Strange”
Number: 29
Color: Red